5 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 10



The demand for money has been very active the whole week ; it has arisen partly from the natural extension of our home and foreign trade, which is assuming unexpectedly large proportions ; and partly from the pro- vision made against the acceptances at maturity today, which proved to be exceedingly heavy. The minimum rates have been 2} per cent ; but some of the leading houses in Lombard Street are requiring 21 per cent. The supplies continue good, although a good deal of money hitherto waiting employment has been absorbed. Large arrivals of bullion are reported this week. The amount is rather more than 960,0001. On the other hand the exports to the East have taken off 567,7401. The balance is mostly on hand, but the Continental demand for gold is very active, and most likely it will attract the whole of the existing supplies. Consols have not varied much this week ; the highest price has been 961 96f, but they have been as low as 96 961. This morning they opened at that quotation, but upon the statement that England and France had agreed upon the bases of a Congress on the affairs of Italy they advanced to 961 961, at which price they close. Bank Stock, 225227; ; Indian Scrip and paid-up Lean, 103 103#; Exchequer Bills, 28 31. The Foreign Market has been extremely dull and inanimate, and prices are nearly the same as last week. Money continues abundant, and the Account passed off satisfactorily. Mexican, 221 221 ; Peruvian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 901 911; Peruvian Three per Cents, 69} 70} ; Buenos Ayres, 78 80 ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 19f 20} ; Chilian Six per Cents, 102 104; Ditto, Four-and-a-half per Cents, 88 89; Ditto, Three per Cents, 73 76 ; Turkish Six per Cents, 78 79; Ditto, New, 67 68; Brazilian, 95 96 ; Russian, 99 100; Victor Emmanuel, 91 93 ; Sardinian, 851 8fif ; Venezuela, 28 29; Grenada, Active, 17 18; Ditto, Deferred, 5 51; Spanish, 44 44f ; Portuguese, 451 46. Venezuela has recovered f per cent from the late de- pression. Spanish somewhat lower.

Railway Shares are slightly better than they were this day week. Busi- ness has been languid throughout, owing to adverse political rumours, but today there was a turn in this respect, and the market became stronger. The new Victoria Railway Debentures have advanced to 1101; Great Western, 651 651; London and North-Western, 95f 961; Chester and Holyhead, 8.11 91; Berwick, 89190; North British, 591 59f ; Caledonian, 46 461; South-Eastern and -Dover, 23 23/ ; London and South-Western, 95 951 ; Midland, 106/ 1061; Leeds, 961961; Great Northern, 1011 102.1 ; North Stafford, 41 41 dis. ; London and Brighton, 1121 113k ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 351; Oxford, Worcester, and "Wolverhampton, 16.7 171. French Shares show little alteration. Northern of France, sn sn; Paris and Lyons, 36 361 ; Lombardo-Venetian if 2. During the week the Secretary of State for India in Council has received 514,000/. from the Scinde and Peninsula Railway, and the Madras Irrigation Companies. This capital will receive the guaranteed 5 per cent, and it has mostly been pro- vided in anticipation of regular calls. The East India Railway Company have issued proposals to borrow 1,600,0001. on debentures at 5 per cent, the money to be paid by the 20th instant. They have also made a call, payable on the 10th December. Bombay, 95 96 ; Madras, 96 96 ; East Indian, 101 1011 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 98 981. Banking shares have been in request, and the leading descriptions are very firm.

The trade of the country is very active and unquestionably prosperous. i It is a genuine trade, that is, there is no outrageous speculation in any de- partment of it ; the fear of loss through the political complications of the day having compelled all classes in managing their affairs to practise re- serve in venturing upon new undertakings.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoeih, rap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 2d day ofNevember 1859.

On11711 oISPeSTMENT.

tfotes Issued

130,736,905 Government Debt


Other Securities 3,459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 18,280,905

Sliver Bunton



1111.1{1.110 DalralTILiter.

Proprietors' Capital Rest 414,553,000 3,131,785 Government Securities(Inelu - ding Dead WeIghtAnnalty). 410,975,157 Public Deposits` 5,512,538 Other Securities 18,909,020 Other Deposits 14,571,819 Notes 8,436,450 Seven Days and other Bills . 907,172 Gold and Silver Oohs 555,481



• including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Acct.