5 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 21


Bankruptcy Annulled.-JOHN BATSTONE, Tooley Street, builder. Bankrupts.-Thourrr BAnherr, Burlington Gardens, Bond Street, picture- dealer-Wu-Liam LArron, Landport, Portsea, Hants, boottnaker-WiLmax Cues- !Nara CALDWELL, Nassau Place, Commercial Road East, tailor-JAmes Bear/Alto Junior, Aldershott, victualler-0E0am/ KINDERSLEY JACKSON, Elizabeth Street, South Pimlico, grocer-Esramt Louisa MAYBE, Exeter, milliner-Tnomas Simurrea, Liverpool, pastrycook-Smaum. Russets., West Hartlepool, builder. Scotch Sequestrations.-CesswELL. Johnstone, Renfrewshire, grocer-FEB.0mm, St. Evox, Ayr, slater-Mururoa; Glasgow, merchant-M'NEE and Co., Belltleld, Lanark and Dumbarton, printers-Oveneoey, Edinburgh, solicitor-Gamer, Crom. dale and Inverallen, Elgin, cattle-dealer.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 4. Bankruptcy Annulled.-WILLIAM COVENTRY OAK and CHARLES HASTINGS Show, Blandford Forum, Dorset, bankers.

Bankrupts.-Wmaxe Paula's GUNNYON, Liverpool, clothier-PeamvAL Tux- srALL, Golden Hill, Staffordshire, builder-WILLIAm Arrwams, Arundel Street,

Strand, licensed victualler-Ca ales KOZHER, Vigo Street, Regent Street, woollen., draper--SastreL WALTERS and TnomAs WALTERS, Caverswall, Staffordshire, cattle- dealers-LEON MILLARD and R/CHARD ',armorer, Birmingham, chasers-Ws:1.- 1.ms HEX, Duneford Farm, Wandsworth, cow-keeper-EinvAan LEATHERLAND. Tipton, Staffordshire, licensed victualler-Cammes WILLmsa, Liverpool, ne wspaper- proprietor-T11011AS HENRY FAIRHALL and WILLIAM SETER, IUD., London Road, Ironmongers-BssIAALLn GELDART GOODE, Scratage Brickfie ds, Heston, brick- maker-WI-1.mm MArseen ArLwAnz, Doctor's Commons, wine-merchant- Joserm Portia and Co., Lancashire, screw-bolt manufacturers.