5 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 8

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Fr En 11.—The Emperor and Empress have gone to Compiegne. They drove along the Boulevards of Paris in an open carriage on Tuesday, and arrived at Compiegne the same evening. The Prince Imperial accom- panied them in a close carriage. The Emperor had previously been out shooting in the woods of Versailles with Lord Cowley, Count Walewski, and Prince Richard Metternich.

The Duke of Padoue has been compelled, by ill health, to resign the Ministry of the Interior, and M. Billault resumes his old post. The most striking event of the week is the publication of a bitter article in the Correspondant by M. de Montalembert, entitled "Pope Pius IX. and France in 1849 and 1869." It is a sustained attack upon France and England. Our part in the late war is praised by implication, our subsequent policy is described as " ignoble." Our leading statesmen are rated for not loving the temporal sovereignty of the Pope; and Lord Derby and Lord Malmesbury are described as the beat friends of the Roman Catholics. The Correspondant has received a first warning in consequence of giving publicity to this article, and the And de la Reli- gion for republishing it. The reasons for the warning are—that, in con- demning the war carried on by France in Italy as having caused the an- nihilation of the temporal authority of the Pope, the article has quite distorted the results of the war, and calumniated the policy of the Em- peror. It is also insulting to the nations allied with France, and the comparison which the writer of the article designedly and offensively makes between the names of Machiavelli and those of Napoleon III. and the King of Sardinia is wanting in that respect which is due to the Emperor. The Government have seized the paper and notified to the publisher that he will be prosecuted for exciting to hatred and contempt of the Government.

Another remarkable document is a pamphlet on the Villafranca con- ferences, and the Italian question in general, by the Chevalier Debraux. This person is a polemical writer of note. He is an Austrian subject of Italian origin ; a Councillor of the Aulic Chamber ; sometime writer in the amstitutionnel and Independence Beige ; and late proprietor of the Austrian journal founded in Paris, the Memorial Diplomatigue. His present pamphlet is in the interest of Austria. The Government is pressing on the fortifications at Dives, in Calvados ; is improving the harbour, and erecting a dockyard with slips for the construction of men-of-war. The harbour is twelve miles from Havre, and is of great importance in a military point of view. The army under General de Martimprey has successfully penetrated into Morocco. A telegram from the General says :—" After an en- gagement of three hours the 2d Regiment of Zouaves fixed its victorious eagle on the defile of Ain-Tacouralt, where the whole expeditionary corps bivouacs. We have no serious losses."

Emitlulantt.—The new Austrian Plenipotentiary, Count Carolyi, ar- rived at Zurich on the 28th of October. On the following day all the Plenipotentiaries met and conferred. It is now stated that the three treaties of peace will be signed "next week."

ill 1 li.—Garibaldi, who has issued an animated address to the Pope's Swiss legionaries as well as to the Neapolitans, obedient to a summons from Victor Emmanuel, arrived in Turin on the 28th of October. He had been enthusiastically received everywhere along the road, especially at Voghera, where, in addressing the multitude, he is stated to have said :—" With a King like Victor Emmanuel, with an army like ours, and with a people like you, Italy should not stop until she has freed the last inch of her soil from the heel of the foreigner." He was to see the King on Monday. The Piedniontese Gazette of the 31st of October published the new Provincial Communal Act. The object of this act is to create a system of centralization in the political machinery of the Government, and to decentralize in matters of administration. In all parts of the state the communal franchise will be increased. The new kingdom will be di- vided into seventeen provinces. A governor will be placed at the head of each province, with a government council. The governor will repre- sent the executive power. A good deal of opposition on this head is said, to exist in Milan. Some of the old municipal feeling is aroused, and we are told that Milan is jealous of Turin as a metropolis. All are anxious for the restoration of the Statute. The King has decreed that the works at Spezia shall be resumed.

The National Bank of Piedmont resumed cash payments on the 1st of November.

A telegram from Florence, dated November 2, says that " the elec- tions of the members of the Municipalities at Florence and other places in Tuscany have terminated without any result, on account of almost all the electors having abstained from voting. The National Assembly has been convoked for the 7th of November."

A letter from Ravenna announces that the deputation charged by the Assembly of Bologna to plead the cause of Romagna with the Emperor Napoleon left on the 26th for Paris. It is composed of Prince Hercolani, the Marquis Bevilacqua, and Count Mosti. The official Gazette of Modena, in a special article, states that at the first rumour of war Duke Francis V. had sent all the political prisoners confined in the Modenese prisons at the time to Mantua, to be detained there securely by Austria. It adds that they are still there, to the number of eighty, although neither subjects of Austria nor condemned by her tribunals, and that it is time the matter should be brought before the notice of the Powers that are friendly to Italy, in order that such an abuse of power may cease. _ It is reported from Rome that the Pope has "come to an understanding

with the Duke de Gramont as to the reforms to be introduced into the Pontifical States. The negotiations have been carried on direct by the Pope, assisted by Monsignor Berardi, Under- Secretary of State for Ecclesiastical Affairs, and who is said to be a liberal man." The Petrie, however, only says that the resistance of the Pope is "weaker than it was" ; but that he has shown a disposition which warrants hope. At the same time there is a talk of an interdict against the King of Sardinia, and a report that Victor Emmanuel has intimated at Rome, that if it is issued he will become a Protestant! In his address to the Pope's Swiss, Garibaldi uses these significant terms-

" Yes! we will not lay aside the rules of common warfare; but if, in- stead of obtaining the accomplishment of our rights, as we hope, our ene- mies unite themselves again to bring us back to a state of slavery—if the priests think to rule us as they did for so many centuries past, I cannot then say that a war of extermination, which will be our last resource, will not occur."

Something has gone wrong in Sicily : in other words, the Sicilians are in arms. Policemen have been shot near Palermo ; guns have been fired outside the gates and in the streets. It is said that there are 4000 insurgents in the mountains, and additional troops have been sent from Naples. One report is that these movements are the work of secret agents. Numerous arrests have taken place. General Filangieri has again resumed the direction of the Ministry of War. The full strength of the army of the Abruzzi has been made up, and has been provisioned. This army retains its character of a corps of observation.

etrutanq.—The retirement of Count Griinne and Baron Hubner.; Baron Bruck's tender of resignation ; the projected inquiry by outsiders

into the Austrian finances - the meeting of the Emperor of Russia and the Regent of Prussia at Breslau ; and the coming Schiller festival, still en- gross much attention in Germany. Austrian policy in Hungary is unde- cided. The sort of council of financial notables to be selected for the purpose of overhauling the budget is an expedient which may give some temporary satisfaction, but hardly counteract the evil effects of Bruck's escapades. The Archduke Albert was very coldly received at Warsaw. The Breslau Gazette professes to know some of the motives which led to the failure of the projected interview between the Emperors of Russia and Austria. According to that journal the Archduke Albert, in the mission which he filled at Warsaw, was charged to declare that the Emperor Francis Joseph would meet the Emperor Alexander at Mis- lowitz on condition that Russia would engage to support, in the ap- proaching Congress, the restoration of the Grand Dukes. Prince Gorts- chakoff, without giving an opinion either way, is said to have refused to enter into the engagement required. In consequence, the interview be- tween the two Emperors was definitively abandoned. The issue of the interview at Breslau is still a matter of speculation. The French Government pretends that the Emperor and Regent have rallied to its policy in Italy, but the well-informed Paris correspondent of the Daily News has "formed a very strong opinion, grounded upon a variety of symptoms, that the substantial result of the understanding come to between the Czar and the Prince of Prussia is altogether favour- able to the cause of Italian liberty. When they say that the restoration is not to be made by force, they merely play the cards of the curious diplomatic game invented at Villafranca. What they mean is, at least so I think, that they are not to be restored at all, because they must well know the impossibility of restoring them without force.' The Times correspondent says that "it is not probable that an offensive and defensive treaty of alliance was concluded between Russia and Prussia at Breslau, but it is certain that a perfect understanding has been esta- blished between the Emperor Alexander and the Prince Regent of Prussia. Their object is to maintain the peace of Europe, or rather to avoid getting involved in a quarrel with any of the other great Powers. Both Russia and Prussia will advocate the cause of the lawful Sove- reigns of the Italian Duchies, but they will protest against any active intervention in their behalf." The writer of a letter from Berlin says- " I am enabled to state that all the great t olitical questions of the day were discussed by the two august personages and by their Ministers,. and that an agreement has been come to between the two Powers on principles and facts, and henceforth the two Cabinets will follow an identical, if not a collective line of policy, on all the great questions of the day. It is not likely that this agreement has been put to paper in the shape of a conven- tion, nor is it a coalition against any other Power—not even against Austria, but it is a guarantee for peace, the conciliation of conflicting interests, and the most satisfactory solution possible of the questions of the day." Prince Gortschakoff has received the Black Eagle of Prussia set in dia- monds, and Count Schleinitz, the order of St. Alexander Newski. Baron Budberg got a splendid snuffbox, Councillor Eichmann, the Russian order of St. Stanislas, and the Emperor gave money to his regiment, the 3rd Chlans.

The Emperor of Austria, the King of Hanover, and other potentates have shown some interest in the Schiller festival. It is curious to re- mark that while the Berlin Government insists that the festivities shall be celebrated within doors and forbids torchlight processions, the Aus- trian Government permits a great torchlight procession. At Munich there is to be an " apotheosis ' of Schiller in the biggest room they can find.

There is a considerable movement in Hungary. Not only the students and Liberals are engaged in it, but the Conservative nobles themselves. The Hungarian language, the constitution of 1848, the ancient rights of the people, and of the Protestants, are demanded on all sides. It is even said that some nobles have refused to pay taxes.

11.—The Spanish nation really seems glad to go to war. There have been spontaneous illuminations ; subscriptions have been opened, for the wounded we presume ; and troops have been feted en route. Tetuan, Tangiers, and Larache have been publicly declared to be in a state of blockade. Marshal O'Donnell has set out from Madrid, and Generals Olano, Teron, and Quesada have gone to Algesiras. General Zabala commands until the arrival of O'Donnell. A statement that France had agreed to supply materials of war has been contradicted on authority, and repeated again in a confident manner. Marshal O'Donnell's recent speech has been textually reproduced in the Madrid Gazette. After tracing historically the difference between Spain and Morocco the Count of Lucena said :

" I ought to declare that it is not a question of ambition that takes us to Morocco. It is not a principle of conquest that directs us thither. We go solely to exact full satisfaction. If we obtain it, if they give us guarantees for the future—if, moreover, they give u, even after the rupture °Cue- gotiations, the indemnity that the Spanish nation has a right to demand, our honour being then satisfied, we shall be quite disposed to make peace, and prove to the world that neither ambition nor any culpable secret inten- tion has taken us to Morocco, where we only go to uphold the Spanish name. Although, unfortunately, some persons may have thought this name lowered, I hope the bravery of our army and navy will prove it to be still as high placed as it was in the best days of our history." The Madrid journals of the 28th of October state that the Archbishops of Tarragona and Burgos, and the Bishop of Barcelona, had published pastoral letters ordering prayers to be offered up for the Pope, and that their example was to be followed by other prelates.

II rittli.—According to advices from Constantinople to the 26th of October, received through Marseilles, the new Grand Vizier insisted, in the first place, that the culprits in the late conspiracy should not be executed. To this the Sultan has readily given his consent. The sym- pathies of the population continue to be in favour of the accused: The Grand Vizier demands complete reforms, and wishes that the chief re- ligious dignitaries shall contribute largely to the public taxes, and that the Sultan shall sacrifice one-third of his own revenue. The Grand Vizier having met with resistance to these measures among his colleagues a modification of the Ministry will therefore take place. It is stated that Ethem Pasha will succeed Fuad Pasha. The Chief of the General Staff, Riza Pasha, has been banished.

tal i 6.—Some interesting advices have been received from Calcutta, bringing the news down to the 23d of September. In a long General Order the Government finally records that some sixty Regiments of na- tive Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry, in Bengal, have ceased to exist. They are all regiments compromised more or less deeply in the mutiny. There are still fourteen regiments in the pay of the Government, but they are numerically weak. Our Native force now amounts to 290,000 soldiers. Two Queen's regiments, the 67th and the Buffs, have been ordered to China. There was a talk of sending Sikhs. The disbanded Europeans were leaving Calcutta at the rate of 1000 per week. The correspondent of the Times reports some gossip touching the future doings of Lord Canning.

"The dull season is approaching, and every one who can is escaping out of Bengal. Our little Parliament' has risen for two months, and the members are flying for a holiday to their own Presidencies. The Governor- General leaves Calcutta on the 10th proximo for a kind of royal progress through Upper India. He is to see all native Princes, grant all favours, confer with all Lieutenant-Governors, and generally perform his part as

a visible assertion of the Queen's Government.' His Lordship will travel in the old style, with a European regiment, a native regiment, and the body guard, some 2600 men in all, as his escort, and a camp of 20,000 fol- lowers. He will be met at Cawnpore by the Commander-in-Chief, and the plan of the last Oude campaign will be finally decided on. It will be a small affair,. flying columns, chiefly of Sikhs, penetrating into Nepaul in all directions, in pursuit of the 6000 rebels still lurking in the lower hills. Jung Balladeer could drive them out if he pleased, but it seems he has scruples which the gift of a strip of territory four miles wide by 200 long, extending from Goruckpore to Pillibheet, does not suffice to remove. Some large gangs in Bundelcund are also very troublesome, and it was deemed necessary a few days since to concentrate 4000 or 5000 men at Sanger. They are, however of no real importance, and I mention them only to ex- plain the talk which is going on about cold weather campaigns."

A meeting had been held in Calcutta to protest against the license- tax ; to demand an equitable income-tax ; and pray for a representative system admitting the non-official classes to the Legislative Council.

uitr alPS.—The City of Washington arrived at Liverpool on

Thursday, with advices from New York to the 22d of October. Earlier advice, had been received a few days before. An insurrection had occurred at Harper's Ferry, a town on the frontiers of Virginia and Maryland, and in the route of the Baltimore and Ohio railway. A government arsenal is established at this place. On the 16th of October, a band of seventeen whites and five blacks, speedily augmented to 200, seized the arsenal, stopped the trains, took several citizens as hostages, levied contributions, and cut the telegraphic wires. The mob took possession of the town, and sent several waggon loads of arms into Maryland. Some persons connected with the railway were shot. The Government, on hearing the intelligence, instantly sent a body of Marines to Harper's Ferry, and the state authorities forwarded Militia companies in all haste. The Marines stormed the Armoury, and the Militia took the town. The insurgents were, at the date of the earliest advices, surrounded ; but they held a strong position in the engine-house of the armoury. There were about sixteen killed in the combat.

The origin and object of the movement are uncertain. One report is that the affair is the premature explosion of a conspiracy to liberate the slaves. It is said that "the Secretary of War received some time since an anonymous letter, stating that a foray would be made by negroes, headed by white men, upon Harper's Ferry, Wheeling, and other points in Virginia, about the middle of October. At the time he thought nothing of it, and gave it no attention whatever; • but it looks from this movement as though they have been organizing for some time, and in- tended to carry it out." Another story is that the flight of a defaulting contractor caused the outbreak ; and a third that it originated in a desire for plunder. The leader is said to be a " Captain Brown," who figured in the Kansas disturbances. Another leader is called " Captain Cook." He had gone off towards Pennsylvania with a body of liberated slaves.

Later advices tell us that Brown and his insurgents had surrendered, and had been taken to Charleston. It is said that the papers captured implicate the leading abolitionists, Gerritt Smith, Frederick Douglas, and Joshua Giddings ; and show that the movement has long been in pre- paration. The rebels had drawn up a " Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States." It consists of forty- eight articles, abolishes slavery, and provides for a variety of proceedings necessary to promote the revolution.