5 NOVEMBER 1870, Page 2

It is curious to study the out-of-town speeches, as the

Times has wisely rechristened what it used to call "extra-Parliamentary utterances," on the subject of the war, and see whether any classi- fication of the sympathies in relation to the general politics of the speakers is possible. Sir Charles Adderley (dry official Conserva- tive) is decidedly German ; Mr. Cawley, M.P. (Protestant Con- servative member for Salford) is decidedly German, and regrets the blind folly of the French. The Hon. Wilbraham Egerton (aristocratic Conservative Member for Mid-Cheshire) pities the Emperor, "who was not only beaten by the enemy, but neglected by his people." "lie (the Emperor) had known the secret of making France happy, and had encouraged her commerce and agriculture in every way." Mr. Cunliffe Brooks (M.P. for East Cheshire, Conservative and Protectionist) thinks the fault of the Lopes (Conservative M.P. for Launceston) does not think the calmly impartial or too cautious to indicate a leaning ; Mr. H. C.

permanent peace ; Lord H. Thynne (Conservative M.P. for territory and France for existence, and he must be an unfeeling man who did not sympathize with a people under such circum- annexation of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany would secure a South Wilts) thinks the policy of Prussia for the last fifteen completely German at first, thinks Germany "is now fighting for stances." Mr. Kay-Shuttleworth (Liberal M.P. for Hastings) is years has been one not of conciliation, but aggression, and though a previous speech to have taken a French turn since Sedan ; Mr. who has been speaking chiefly on the Army question, is known by war pretty equally divided. Mr. Bass (Liberal, M.P. for Derby), Osborne Morgan (Liberal M.P. for Denbighshire), who was S. Visconti Venosta, the Italian Foreign Secretary, has addressed conceded to the Pope might, under other circumstances, cease to the war was " partly " brought about by France, he does not be real. The Catholic organization cannot work smoothly so, and wish to see France utterly humbled and subdued ; Mr. Beau- Italy will, we suspect, be obliged to find some island for the Pontiff mont (Liberal M.P. for South-West Riding) is partly French, and does not think the Emperor entirely responsible for the war ; within which be may be really Sovereign. Elba would do best, if while Mr. George Glyn (Liberal Whip, and M.P. for Shaftes- the inhabitants would endure an arrangement which would bury) is very nearly as Prussian as "W. R. G.," wishes to terminate their freedom and their poverty together. directed to retake the position, and succeeded, after an engage- have a few shells thrown into Paris as a sort of lesson, and hopes Prussia will take full securities. He thinks Prussia has knocked France down and "licked her,"—Mr. Glyn is still schoolboyish in his oratory,—and has a sort of loathing against licking her any more.