5 NOVEMBER 1892, Page 13

The Life of Lieutenant - General Sir Henry Evelyn Wood. By Charles

Williams. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Sir Evelyn Wood, having begun life as a Midshipman, has seen as varied and brilliant a life of service as most men. While still legally an " infant," he distinguished himself repeatedly in the Crimea. Later on, in India, he showed his talents for organisation, so necessary in our huge Empire, with its countless nationalities. Finally, in the Soudan and Zululand, he brought his fame to its present high place. He is undoubtedly one of our best leaders and officers, and Mr. Williams takes care to record his achieve- ments and rewards. He is zealous about his hero, is Mr. Williams ; but Sir Evelyn has certainly been a lucky soldier, and has escaped with the minimum of misrepresentation.