5 NOVEMBER 1898, Page 15


• srsoraros."] SIR,—I have not a Greek Concordance handy, but I think r am correct in saying that the phrase dycierraarc Tic accpctic does not occur in the New Testament. The wording is 1min-stoi5 rtxpi; Y. If this is so, is it not unfortunate that we have not kept strictly to the words of the Bible in the Apostles' Creed as we have in the Nicene Creed P On such an abstruse subject, and one on which so little has been revealed, it would be wise to adhere strictly to the words of Scripture rather than to substitute a gloss, which would convey to most people's minds an assertion which is not necessarily contained in "the resurrection of the dead." Where there is an absence of guidance, your theory that the soul accretes a new covering (" body" implies too much) appeals to one's sense of fitness more than other suggestions. The soul may be forming it all through life.—I am, Sir, &c., Epperstone Rectory, Notts., October 31st. T. F. Commits.