5 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 27


Antremer (J. D'.), The Japanese Empire and its Economic Conditions, 8vo (Unwin) net 106 Bangs (J. I.), Mollie and the Unwiseman Abroad, 8vo (Lippincott) 6/0 Barbour (R. IL), The Golden Heart, 8vo (Lippincott) net 60 Barlow (II.), Life of William Hager Barlow, Dean of Peterborough, 8vo (G. Allen) net 126 Blase (W. L.), The Emancipation of English Women, 8vo (Constable) net 610 Bradley (C.), Good Sport Seen with Some Famous Packs, 1885-1910, roy 8v0 (ffoutledge) net 12/6 Briggs (M. H.), A Child's Year with Nature, Cr 8vo (S.S.U.) net 3/6 Bruce (Sir C.), The Broad Stone of Empire, 2 vols. 8vo (Macmillan) net 30/0 Burgin (G. B.), This Son of Adam, or 8vo (Hutchinson) 6,0 Burton (J. W.), The Fiji of To-day, 8vo (C. H. Kelly) net 7/6 Campbell (C.), Two Theban Princes, or 8vo (Oliver & Boyd) net 36 Campbell (W. S.), What shall I Recite? 12mo (R. J. James) 216 Cavalry Taught by Experience, by " Notrofe," 8vo (H. Rees) net 26

Chesterton (G. K.), Alarms and Discursions 12mo (Methuen) 5/0

Clayton (J.), Leaders of the People, 8vo (Seeker) net 12/6 Cobb (C. S.), The Rationale of Ceremonial, 1540-1543, roy 8vo (Longmans) 10/0 Coburn (A. L.), New York, folio (Duckworth) net 25/0 Combo (Mrs. K.), Seekers All, or 8vo (W. Blackwood) 6/0 Conybeare (E.), Highways and Byways in Cambridge and Ely (Macmillan) 6/0 Currey (E. H.), Sea Wolves of the Mediterranean, 8vo (.1. Murray) net 10/6 Deland (M.), The Way to Peace, 8vo (Harper) 6/0 Denvir (J.), The Life Story of an Old Rebel, or 8vo (Sealy & Bryers) net 5/0 Dewey (J.), How We Think, 8vo (D. C. Heath) 3/6 flay (F. Van R.), A Gentleman of Quality, or 8vo (Cassell) 6/0 Drinkwater (H.), A Lecture on Ilendelism, roy 8vo (Dent) net 2/6 Dudden (F. H.), Christ and Christ's Religion, 8vo (T. & T. Clark) net 4/6 Dudeney (Mrs. IL), A Large Room, or 8vo (Heinemann) 6/0 Dyer (F. L.) and Martin (T. C.), Edison, his Life and Inventions, 2 vols. 8vo (Harper) net 16/0 Earle (M.), Juana of Castile : a Poem, or 8vo (Heinemann) net 5/0 Edwards (Miss B..), Unfrequented France, 8vo (Chapman 6: Hall) net 10/6 Entwistle (E. E.), Through the Gate Beautiful, or 8vo (Jerrold) net 2/6 Fifty-two Stories of Classic Heroes Cr Sr° (Hutchinson) 59 Fifty-two Stories of the Sea, or 8vo (Hutchinson) 5/0 Forbes (J.), Master Reugh-head, roy 16mo (Harrap) net WC Forman (H. J.), In the Footprints of Heine, 8vo (Constable) net 510 Fothergill (E.), Five Years in the Sudan, 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) net 16/0 Furness (W. H.), The Island of Stone Money, 8vo (Lippincott) net 15/0 Gannon (J. P.), The Plaint of the English Muse, roy 16mo ...(f. Paul) net 2/6 Goodwin (M. W.), Veronica Playfair. or Oro (Warne) 316 Granger (M. E.), The Black Letter Saints of the Prayer Book .. (Dent) net 2/6

Hall (E. If.), Ports and Fair Havens, 12mo (E. Mathews) net 2/6 Hamilton (A. M.), The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton, 8vo

(Duckworth) net 16/0 Hare (C.), The Romance of a Medici Warrior, 8vo (S. Paul) net 1016 Harper (J. W.), The Social Ideal and Dr. Chalmers' Contribution to Christian Economics, 8v0 Macniven & Wallace) not 5/0 Hawes (W.), Two Waifs in Cloud-Land, or 8vo (W. Scott) net 5/0 Ilayter (A.), The Profitable Imbroglio cr 8vo (Duckworth) 6/0 Heston (W.), A Bluestocking in India, Cr 8vo (A. Melrose) net 3/6

Hiss (P. H.) and Zinsser (II.), Text-book of Bacteriology ...(Appleton) net 150 Hodgson (F. C.), Venice in the 13th and 14th Centuries, 8vo (G. Allen) net 10/6 Holme (C.), Peasant Art in Sweden, Lapland, and Iceland, folio (Studio)net 7/6

Hooker (If.), Behind the Scenes in Peking, Cr 8vo (J. Murray) net 7/6 Howells (W. D.), Imaginary Interviews, cr 8vo (Harper) net 7/6 Ilugessen (R. K..), Fairy Tales for My Grandchildren, cr 8vo (Simpkin) 2/6 Hutton (Baroness von), The Green Patch, or 8vo (Hutchinson) 6/0 Jackson (V.), English Melodies from the 13th to the 18th Century, fh-o (Dent) net 7/6 James (G.), Green Willow, and otherJapanese Fairy Tales (Macmillan) net 15/0

James (R. A. S.-), An Englishman in Ireland. 8vo (Dent) net 510

Johnston (W.) and West (P.), The Innocent Murderers, cr 8vo (Low) 610 Kellerman (I.), Complete Grammar of Esperanto, or 8vo (D. C. Heath) 3/6 Ifelman (J.), Ephemera Eternitatis, roy 16mo .. (Hodder 6c Stoughton) net 5/0 Rennet (R. H.) and OtherstEarly Ideals of Righteousness (T.& T. Clark) net 3/0 Kingsley (R. G.), In the Rhone Country. cr 8vo (G. Allen) net 1016 Kittel (R.), The Scientific Study of the Old Testament, or 8vo (Williams & Norgate) net 5/0 Klingenstein (L.), The Great Infanta Isabel, Sovereign of the Netherlands, 8vo (Methuen) net 10/6 Lake (E. F.), Composition and Heat Treatment of Steel, 8vo (Hill) net 10/6

Law (E.), Shakespeare 011 a Groom of the Chambers, 4to (Bell) net 3/6

Law (E.), Wising on Ice, 12mo (H. Rees) net 216 Lea (J.), Cruisers in the Clouds, 4to (Gardner & Darton) 2/6 Lea (J.)Danger Signals, 4to (Gardner & Darton) 2/6 Leadbeater (C. W.), The Inner Life, 8vo (Theosophical Pub. Soc.) net 6/0 Little (A.), Gleanings from Fifty Years in China, 8vo (Low) net 7/6 Lockyer (Sir N. and W. L.), Tennyson as a Student and Poet of Nature, cr 8vo (Macmillan) net 46 Lowry (S. C.), Hymns and Spiritual Songs, cr 8vo (Longmans) net 2;6 MacCarthy (D.) and Russell (A.), Lady John Russell: a Memoir, 8vo (Methuen) net 10(6 McClintock (W.), The Old North Trail, 8vo (Macmillan) net 15/0 McCracken (H. N.), An Introduction to Shakespeare (Macmillan) net 4(0

Macgregor (W. M.), Some of God's Ministries, or 8vo ..(T. & T. Clark) net 4/6 Magnus (Sir P.), Educational Aims and Efforts, 1880-1910 (Longman's) net 716

Mare (W. Be La), The Three Mullamulgars, cr 8vo (Duckworth) net 5/0 Marriott (J. A. R.), English Political Institutions, cr 8vo (Clarendon Press) 4/6 Mecklenburg (Duke of), In the Heart of Africa, roy 8vo (Cassell) net 15/0 Melville (H. and L.), The Seasons : an Anthology (Williams & Norgate) net 3/6 Memorials of Old Durham, 8vo (G. Allen) net 15/0

Mitford (B.), A Dual Resurrection, Cr 8vo (Ward & Lock) 6/0 Montresor (F. F.), Through the Chrysalis, cr 8vo (J. Murray) 6/0

Moore (F. F.), The Commonsense Collector, 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) net 10/6 Mumby (F. A.), The Romance of Bookselling, 8vo ...(Chapman & Hall) net 16/0 Murray (I.), Complete Text Book of Physical Exercises, 4to (Simpkin) net 3/6 Napoleon in his own Defence, 8vo (Cassell) net 12/0 Nicholson (M.). The Siege of the Seven Suitors, or 8vo (Constable) 6/0 Noguchi (Y.), Lafcadio Hearn in Japan, or Svo (E. Mathews) net 6/0 Norton (A. P.), Star Atlas and Telescopic Handbook, Epoch 1920, 4to (Gall & Inglis) net 5/0

Orr (J.), Sin as a Problem of To-day, or Elio (Hodder & Stoughton) 610 Ostrup J. C.), Standard Specifications for Structural Steel, 8vo (Hill) net 4/6 Our Stage and its Critics, by E. F. S., cr 8vo (Methuen) net 5/0 Palmer (F.), The Winning of Immortality, er Sin (J. Clarke) net 3/6

Patterson (J. E.), A Hero of the Sea, or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0 Pemberton (W. S. C.-), The Romance of Princess Amelia, Daughter of George III., 8vo (Nash) net 160 Pfieiderer (0.), Primitive Christianity, Vol. III. (Williams & Norgate) net 1016 Platts (C.), Pioneers of Our Faith, 8vo (Methuen) net 10'6 Polak (S.) and Quitter (II. C.), The Teaching of Drawing, cr 8vo (Clive) 2/6 Radford (D.), Poems, or 8vo (E. Mathews) net 4/6 Register of Thoroughbred Stallions, 8vo (H. Cox) net 15/0 Richard (T.), The New Testament of Higher Buddhism (T. & T. Clark) net 6/0 Shaw (F. H. and Robinson (B. H.), The Sea and its Story from Viking Ship to Submarine, 4to (Cassell) net 9:0 Smart (W.), Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century, 1801-1820, 8ve (Macmillan) net 21/0 Stevens (F. L.) and Hall (J. G), Diseases of Economic Plants, or 8vo (Macmillan) net 8(6 Stevenson (T.), Modern Culture of Sweet Peas, 8v0 ...(Cable Pub. Co.) net 3/6 Stone (C. E.), Children's Sunday Afternoons, or 8vo (Allenson) 3/6 Temple (J. A.), Annals of Two Extinct Families of the Eighteenth Century,

8vo (F. V. White) 10,0

Terence (V.); Behind the Blinds, 12m (Allenson) net 246

Thomas (E.), Feminine Influence on the PO3t$1, 8vo (Sacker) net 106

Thomas (T. H.), French Portrait Painting of the 17th and 18th Centuries, 8vo (Bell) net 1570 Tillyard (A.), To Malise, and other Poems, Cr 8vo (Simpkin) net 2/6 Townley (H.), English Woocllands and their Story, 8vo (Methuen) net 15/0 Vaughan (H. M.), The Last Stuart Queen, Louise Countess of Albany, 8vo (Duckworth) net 16/0 Verses, by V., Cr 8v0 (Simpkin) net 2/6 Waco (H.), Principles of the Reformation, five. (Nisbet) net 5/0 Waterhouse (E. S.), Modern Theories of Religion, too ...(C. H. Kelly) net 5/0 Watson (C.), Food and Feeding in Health and Disease (Oliver & Boyd) net 11/6 Weber (F. P.), Aspects of Death as Illustrated by Minor Works of Art, Cr 8vo (Unwiu) net 5/0 Webster (A. D.), Town Planting, or 8vo (Routledge) 36 Weekes (A. R.), Faith Unfaithful, cr too (A. Melrose) 6!0 White (W. H.), The Man who Dreamed Right, cr 8vo (Everett) 6/0 Wood (EL T.), Industrial England in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century, cr 8vo (J. Murray) net 5'0 Younghusband (Sir F.), India and Tibet, too (J. Murray) net 21/0 Zangwill (I.), Italian Fantasies, Boo (Heinemann) net 816