5 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 34

HOME: A NEW ZEALANDER'S ADVENTURE. By Alan Mulgan. _(Longman. 7s.

6d.)—Mr. Mulgan, a New Zealander of Irish stock, spent the summer of 1926 in England. He possesses' every qualification to write the impressions of his visit ; a justly critical mind ; an accurate knowledge of history, political and economic ; an intelligent love of nature and art ; and a catholic intimacy with all the best of English writers, paSt and present. His own prose style is simple, dignified, and direct. One might call his book " the travels of the ideal tourist." For Mr. Mulgan was leisurely. He spent nights it country inns ; he watched cricket matches; he found time to visit Westminster Abbey many times. Hair many Londoners - can say the same ? Miss Leighton's woodcuts are clever ; and -Mr. Squire's - prefatory -note is itself an able appreciation of a book that all lovers of Ffngland ought to read. We hope that Mr. Mulgan will visit us again.