5 NOVEMBER 1948, Page 16


SIR,—Mr. Leak's denunciation of Conservatives and Socialists is much 1' to my liking, but is it an answer to my argument? And is Mr. Leak not falling into the familiar, high-minded error of supposing that in politics the choice is between good and bad? In politics, as in life for that matter, the choice is commonly between evils. I am for choosing the lesser. Continuance in power of the present Government must, we agree, lead to disaster—and I have explained what I mean by disaster. So let us turn the Government out. This, I maintain, can be done only by voting for the Conservatives. The Conservatives may sink the ship, but they may not; let us take the off-chance of safety, let us choose the lesser evil. It is just possible that Mr. Leak hopes, as I hope, for a coalition: we shall hardly get that by splitting the anti-Socialist vote, and do not forget that, unlike the Socialists, the Conservatives are not pledged to single-party government. Or has Mr. Leak more ambitious dreams? I observe that his argument is conditioned by an " If "—" the Liberal Party surely has a unique part to play if only people will support it." If Mr. Leak really supposes that the Liberals stand the remotest

chance of obtaining an absolute majority at the next General Election (and it is the next election that matters), why then . . . why then I am his Mutable servant. But if he supposes no such thing, will he not join me in supporting the Conservatives and hoping for the best? — Yours