5 OCTOBER 1833, Page 3

The Revising Barristers for the county of Aliddlesex have decided,

that trustees in receipt of rents and profits of trust prep: rtyare entitled to vote in right of such property ; but they were not prepared to say that trustees of chapels, the ministers of which received the pew-rents, had the same right.

It is a subject of complaint, that during time present long- vacation, for several suecessive days not a single Judge could be found in London either at Chambers or elsewhere.

The Committee of the General Dispensary have consented, on the.

application of a Governor of the highest respectability, who has taken no active pan in the recent disputes, to appoint three members of their

body to meet four Governors (of whom the Lord llayor is one I for the purpose of considering the means of effecting a conciliatory adjustment of the unhappy differences which have threatened the existence of this valuable charity.

On Tuesday, the large theatre of the London University was much .

crowded, on the occasion of the opening of the Medical Class for the present session. Dr. Grant delivered an address, in which he dwelt

on the g,nitifying prospects of the institution. The delfts bed been paid

oil by a loan of 4,001)1., obtained by the mortgage of part of the property for live years; and it was fully expected the loan would he redeemed in

that time. Ile then referred to the application which had been made for a charter, and to rite Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider the laws granting exclusive rights to the College of Sur-

geons. He concluded by expatiating- on the advantages of a general education, which the University afforded. The opening of the North London Hospital, immediately opposite to the University, is amixtously looked to.

About four hundred recruite, raised by Captain Symes for the ser- vice of the Queen of Portugel, left the depot, Westminster, on Wednesday, and proceeded to Rotherhithe, where they embarked for Gravesend under time superintendence of Captain Symes. They were to

be put on board the brie Thtinderer, at Gravesend, and leave the river on Thursday. The recruit s, on going on board, are immediately clothed, and receive a month's pay in nth-amp, 2/. .5s. During the whole of Wednes- day the agents at the different depOts were actively engaged taking on men, as fresh instructions have been received to raise another regiment fonthe service, to consist of one thousand men, who will immediately proceed to Lisbon. Time detachment is under the command of Colonel Kelly.

A steam-vessel, the Gulnare, of one hundred horse rower, was launched front the Chatham Dockyard on Monday. She was built for the Post-office.

Mr. Owen, the clergyman, at whose chapel Mr. Bayford, the proctor, made a manifestation a few weeks back, on Sunday last took leave of his congregation, having received an intimation from the Bishop that those sort of proceedings could not be permitted. Mr. Owen is an intimate friend of Mr. Irving's. The Commissioners of Customs have, upon his petition, discharged

aleistel Hunter, who was sentenced, a few days ago, by the Magistrates at. ay.. Thames Police-office, to serve on board one of his Majesty's riaiiyar el war for five years, for having in his possession a few cheroots, it was suspected he intended to smuggle.