5 OCTOBER 1833, Page 9


Arrived—011 net. 20. Edward I.ombe, Freeman, from New South Wale,:. Offrlymuntli. Lt, Dninvc:zan I'..astle, Di a, from B.•m....11; aunt Thomm. Laurie, Langton. from Van Dienien's Lamb fur Penzance, 1st, Susan, from itengat. At Liver- pool, Sept. 2901. crown. ('unman, from ISenenl ; mount (let. 3(1.1.iviogstone,thiwlee. Men ditto. In the Clyde, sew. •25111, :M. S. Blyllimdone. Small, from Bombay; and 29:11, Indus, Highat. trinn Bengal. At tin, Capo,.1nly 6t Ii. Maria, —, from London; 1,'d.11,

—, from Leitli; porches; or, —, from Ne..n• ; and Diana. Wititi•. foun

Liverpool. At llonthav, previoa: to 14 .Tune. iL I% ,41,;12., Margais Huntley. 11 ; Duke or Sussex. Whitihead; and Thames. Bidding. 1.1.0711 London. Caimbrian, Myth. from ditto; tier/hind. Morley, from Liverpool; auul G.mtoo, Black, from tit' C.yde. June 1st. John Stamp. Youni: and Richard Walker. Gill, from May !Xtli. II. C. S. Uo,Innan, from Tyree. Ellie: an! from Liverpool; and 24th. welcome, Buchanan, from the Clyde. Sailed—From It :.avesenil, Oct. 1st, Hindustan, Redman, rue Bengal. Pao n 1.iverpoui, 21, Colombia, Sroith, for Singapore.

Arrived--Off Falmouth, Palambang, Willis, from Bombay.