5 OCTOBER 1839, Page 6


We are informed by a correspondent at Southampton, who is known to us, that Lord Durham and Mr. Poulett Thomson passed a good deal of time together just before the new Governor's departure, and were often seen, on board his Lordship's yacht and elsewhere, engaged in earnest conversation. it was remarked by spectators that 13y. Thomson seemed to exhibit somewhat ostentatiously his intimacy with the Ex-Dietator.-Colonial Gazette.

Mr. W. II. :Muenaghten has been appointed Envoy at the Court of Shah Soojah.

Mr. Rowland Hill will proceed to Paris to inspect the French Post- office arrangements.

Mr. Robert Gordon, Secretary of' the Treasury, has made Mr. Percy Shelley, Sir John Shelley's son, his Private Secretary. The Duke of Roxburgh° is to have the Green Riband, worn by the late Earl of Lauderdale.