5 OCTOBER 1839, Page 6


[Prom the United Service Gootte.)

11■1111 tclth &T.-Jamaica. ; Boyle

1801 do.-.Madras ; Ports- 135th do.- Canada; Clare month Castle 1911% do.-Dubliti 66th (Ie.-Canada; Kinsale

20th do.-s•uelti»rt 67th do.-Demerara, to Ca.

21st de.--11.te,Tol ; Chathant 1 nada ; Buttevaut 221 do.-Dablitt 68th do. .famaiet. ; Cork 23.1 do.-Nova Seotia; Cos. ' 69th do.-New Brunswick; tlebar Yonghal

240. do.-Cauttda ; Ports- 70th do. - St. Vincent's; nautili Templemore 23 le do.-Devouport, to the 7 tat do.--canada ; Stirling

Cope 72.1 do.-Cape, to return; 2601do.-Tlettgal ; Chatham . Dundee

27th do. - Cape of Good 73.1.10.-Canada; Sheerness Hume; Cork '74th do.-Trinitlad; Spike

6th Dragonns-Dublia 28(11 de.-New SouthWales; Island 701 IlassInts-Canada ; York Chatham 75th do.-Cape of G. Hope; 801 do.-Leeds 29t1t do.--Northampton , Plymouth 9th Lancers-Ipswich 30th dn.-Bermuda; Belfast 7601 .1) -Demerara ; Be. 100111ossars-Dorellester 31st do.- Ben tat; Chatham nishillen llth Light Dragoons-Can- 321 (ht.-Canada; Fermny '77th do.-Ifalta ; Hill t.trbory 33.1 1:Q.-Gibraltar; Tyne. /8th do.-1.altnburgh

12111 litucers--Brighton mouth .79111 da-Manchester 1311t Lt. Drags.-2 Madras ; 34111 do.-Cattado; Chatham 8001 do.-N. South Wales;

Maidstone 3501Feut -Mauritius; Chat- , Chatham 141 do.-lionnslow ham 81st do.--Gibraltar, to Bat. 15th Hussars - Bombay ; 36th do-New Brunswick ; ' Imbues; Dull Maidstone Tralee '821 do.-Gibraltar, to ha. 16th Lancers - Bengal ; 37th do. - Nova Scotia ; I notice; Portsmouth

Maidstone Waterford 831 do.-Canada; London, 17th du.-Dublin 38111 (la-Newry 1 lorry

Grenadier Gds. [lot bath] - :DO. do.-Madras ; Chat- • 840. att.-Kilkenny . Wellington Barracks ham 85th, do.--Conalla; Plymouth

Du. [21 batt.1-Cateutzt -;Oth do-Botnbay; Chatham 8.6th dn.-Manchester Do. Pit batt.3-St. George's 41st do.-Madras; Chatham 87tit do.-11Iaaritius; Dublin

Barracks 42.1 do.-Ionterlek 881, dm-Dublin Coldstream Gds. [1st bait.] 43,1 do.-Cattoda; Naas 89th do.-Autigua ; Gosport

-Tower 441h du.-Bengol; Chathant , 90th do.-Ceylon, Dover Do. [21 batt.]-Catiada 45th do.-Windsor fist do.- Cape; Aberdeen Sound% Fusileer Guards [1st 46th do.- Gibraltar; jersey 192.1 (la-Malta; Birr hatt.]-St. John's Wood 47th do.-Malta; Belturbet 93.1 do. - Canada ; Fort Do. [2.1batt.)-Purtmau St. 4811. do.-Gibraltar ; Tem- I Guorge (N. B.) let Fot1 [1st batt.]- Glos. ;denture , 94thdo.-Madras; Chatham .40W, to Gibraltar; P.tisley 4901110..-Bettgal; Chatham . 93th do.-Ceylon; Carlisle Do. r_ld imt,) - Canada ; 50th do.-New S9u.thWalo s; 96th do.-Bolton

Devouport Chatham 97th do.-Newbridge 2(1 do. -Bombay ; Chatham 51st do. - V. D. Lentil ; • 98th do.-Newcastle-u.-T.

al do.-Bettgal ; Chatham CI:Attain , 9901 do.-Athlone 4th tly.-Madras; Chatham 52.1 du. - Barbadoes ; At- Rifle Brigade [1st hatt.)- 5111 do.- Cephalonia; Gal- magi. ; Weedon way 53.1 do.-Cerfu ; Plymouth Du. [2.1 batt.]-Woolwich 601.1o.-13ombny; Chatham 54th do. - Madras, to re • 1st W. I. Ite,t-St. Lucia; 7th da-Cork. to Gibraltar tont ; Chatham . Sierra Leone IA do. - Not a Scotia ; 55th do.- 31allras; Chatham : 2.1 do.- .111111a1C11; Sierra Guernsey 56th do.--Jonmica, to Ca. , Leone

Out (la-Ben:al ; Chatham nada ; 'fen:plea...we ' Royal Staff Corps-Ilythe

10111 (la-Burnley 57111(10.-Madras; Chatham 1 Ceylon Rifle Itegt.-Ceylon

1101 du. - ('anada, to re- 58111 do.-Portsmonth ' Royal African Col. Corps-.

turn ; Gtspott 59th do.-Malta; Nenagl. ' Sierra Leone and Gambia 12th .10.-Mouritios; Brecon 60th do. [1st bott.)-Zaute; Cape Mounted Riflemen-. lath do.-Beti eat ; Chatham Birr ! Cape 14111.10.-St.Liteitt; Chester Do. [2.1 batt.] - Cerra; ' Newfoundland Vet, Com. 1511. do. - Canada, to rt.. Clot:m.1 ranies-Newlbutulltuld

turn ; Plymouth 61st do.-( tylon ; Cork Royal Malta Feneibles-- 16tlido.-11..1 t gal ; Chatham 621 do.-11wiras; Chatham Malta

1st hire Guards-llvde Park 17th do.-11outbay ; Chat- 63d tio.-Madeas; Chatham

2.1 doe-Witals.1 • Royal 'Durso Guards-Re- gent's Pork 1st Drag. Gwards-Conada ; York 2.1 do.-Glasgow 3d du.-Editiletrgh 4th 11.1.-Birmill,:bam 5th do.-Nottinillam 611. do. -31anchester 7th do.- Leeds 1st Inacuons-Sheilleld 2d doo-Illollincoliig 3(1 Li alit (ht.-Bengal 4th do. - Bombay ; Maid- stone

1:Where two rites are n entioned, lite lasttnamed is tl at at which the Depid of the Regiment is stationed.]