5 OCTOBER 1901, Page 22

The Octopus : a Story of California. By Frank Norris.

(Grant Richards. 6s.)—For those who must have sensation The Octopus will do better, and The Octopus is really an exceedingly interest- ing book. Not, as the title suggests, a tale of adventure by sea, but a study of the conflict between the old civilisation of the ranch and the new enterprise of the railway contractor in the heart of California. Mr. Norris writes stirringly, and his pages are full of moving incident and vivid description. He has passion and pathos, and if his touch is sometimes a little too hot and heavy, it must be recognised that, on the other hand, he is never dull. A short preface explains that this volume is the first of three books, each complete in itself, which are to give us together the "Trilogy of the Epic of the Wheat."