5 SEPTEMBER 1829, Page 14



Thesamply of Englishwb oat this week is very moderate • the present very favouralAc weather, however, has the effect of making the trade excessively dull, and the few stil wade to-day were on decidedly worse terms. Barley, Beans, and Peas are steady ill value, and goad Oats are not cheaper, although there is but little business doing. lit other articles there is no variation worth notice.

Return l'rice of Grain on hoard ship, per Quarter, as :—

S. S. S. S. ! S. S. S. 0,

Wheat, Essex, 1 Old 51? to — —38 to 40 Oats, Feed, 16 to 24

Bed, 50 to 54 Rye,. — White, .. 30 —3-1 Fine, ... 21 — 24

Fine, — 63 Barley, — 32 Boilers, .. ahi — 411 • Poland, .. 17 — 22 Old — 711 Fine,.... — Beans, small,49 — 44 Fine, .... 24 —

White,. _60 — Malt, — Ticks 31 33 1 Potato, .. 28 — 3'1 Fine — 71): Fine, 60 —62 Harrow, .35 — 42 Fine, ...3l — Superfine, 7U — 74. Peas, Uogo•3G —ns! OM,- • ••— GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of CORN, Per Quarter (imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending. Aug. 28.

Wheat, ....... _116, 4d. ; Oats .......... 211s. 3d. 1 Ileans, Id. Bariey, . ... 3 Rye, ...... 33 I Peas, . 7 Annul:GATE AVF:RAGE OF THE LAST SIX WEEKS.

Wheat re,: 5d Oats ''3s Id I Beans "s, ''d Barley,. • -• • • 32 -I ; Bye ....... . 32 8 Peas, ......... . 'J DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.

1\-heat. 20s Sd. I Oats . 12s. 3d. 1 Beans ...... Its. dd.

Barley - • ... to Ill 1 Rye . .. • . 21 3 1 Peas ............ 13 6 QUANTI'llES and PRICES of BRITISH CORN, &c.

Sold in tit:s Market during the week ending Tuesday, Ang. 23, from the Returns to the Inspector by the Corn Factors.—Imperial Measure.

Quars. Ayer. (pars. ..-lrer. Quinn.r Ayer. Wheat .. 1599 .Ii9:. S.!. I Oats. . .. 17340 . 23s. 3d. 1 Beans ..... 2tk!.,7 .. 37s. Od.

Burley .. 123O .. 32 1 1 Rye .. ... 12 .. 33 -1 ; Peas .. ... 7(ili .. 36 5 ORA IN ;Quarters) arrived from Aug. 24, to Aug. 211, both inclusive.

WI12,18 499 391 2639 33:12 alts.

Beans Peas Flour 1 oat Barley Malt Oats I — 49/ 787 — — — 474U

18110 370 — 366511 195-0 4ril 15-0i 1..)00')brls.

PR1CLS OF F Town made per sack.... ..... GMs. to i21-u. Essex and Suffolk, on board ship.. 50s. to 60s. Seconds... ..... 33 — i0 1 Nor•olk and Stockton . , ........ 43 —48 PRICE OF B tEAD.

The highest price of Bread in the :Metropolis is Wirt. for the 41b. Loaf. There are others who sell from a halfpenny to three halfpence below that rate.


The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the returns made

in the week ending Sept. I, is 27s. 4 per cwt.

PRICE OF HUI'S, SEPT. 4, Kent Pockets 61. 14s. to 71. 7s. to 71.10s. per cwt.

Sussex Pockets 61. 10s. to 61. 18s. to 71. 5s. per eV, t. Essex Pockets 61. 12s. to 71. Os. to 71. 7a. Itch cwt.

Farnham, tine 91. 9s. to 101. IN.—seconds, ....... to In.

1.;,..ot Bags 51. 12s. to 61. (is. to 61. 15s. per cwt.

Bags 51. 3s. to 51. 13s. to 61. Ils. per cwt.

Rls. to 61. Os. to 61. Ills. per cwt. Old duty laud at .10,0001.


We have had a strong arrival of Mustard Seed, which has cattActl the trade to be dull and cheaper.—Red Clover continues to advance, with a ready sale.—White Clover anti Udall remain steady. lit other sorts we dud but little Variation. F.nedish Irish Foreign


New Potatoes (Ware), 21. 10s. to 31. Ss. per ton.


The price of good Store Candles, in the retail shops, is as follows :-Candles, per dozen, Ss. Od.-Moulds, 9s. Gd.


The demand for Beef this morning is by no means brisk, and the primest qualities with difficulty reach last Monday's quotation of 4s. 2d. Mutton is scarcely so dear as on that doe, nothing but superior Downs realising 4s. 2d. Veal also has a heavy trade at 4s. 102. per stone for choice small calves. Lamb continues at 4s. ad.

To sink the offal-per stone of Sibs.

Beef 3s. Od. to So. 4d. to 4s. 2d. l Veal .. Ss. 6d. to 4s. Od. to 4s. 10d. Mutton. Os. 20. to Ss. Sri. to 4s. 2d. I Pork ........ 4s. Ud. to 4s. 6d. to 5s. Od.

Lamb 3s. 8d. to Head of Cattle this day. ......Beasts, 511 I Sheep, 7700 ; Calves, 230 Pigs, 121) Head of Cattle on Monday... . . I Beasts, 3059 I Sheep, 26030 Calves, 200 I Pigs, 220 NEWGATE and LEADENHALL-By the Carcase.

Beef, 2s. Sd. to Os. (W.

Mutton,... 3s. Od. to 3s.10d.

Lamb ..

1 Veal,. .3s. Od. to 4s. 3d.

I Pork, 3s. Od. to 5s. Od.

. Ss. 3d. to 4s.lOd


Ray, .. ...... . Sas. to 90s.

Clover, . ..... 93 - 105 Straw, .. .... 48 - 54 OF HAY AND :: TRAW, Sne.r. WHtTECHAPEI..- Hay, .. ...ON. to 95s. Clover.........-110 Straw, .....43 - 54 3.

ST. JAMES'S.- Hay, .........7ne. to 9tts, Clover,- . _ 711 -loin Straw, 4'1 - 52 COAL MARKET, SEPT. 2

Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices.

.WCt Newcastle.... . ....... ..... . 278. Od. to 31s. Od.

121 Sunderland 12;,............ 24s. Gil. to 33s. Oil.


Tons. s.

Dolroath .......... . .......

........ ....... 51174 7 0 Consolidated Mines . 7314 10 0 North Roskear

Stray Park ............ ................

• • ••

.... .

I; G

Lancseot 124

(ItS 12

0 Fotvey Consols .... • •• • • • •• ....... •• 117 fir.ti 2 0 Cardrew 114 OSi 3 0 Wheal Cock .. 73 1137 10 0 South Rosketir . ..... . ... 04 257 12 0 Consolidated Crinnis Mines 35 174 12 0 Polgooth .. . 50 5n2 10 0 Condurrow .. . 44 251; 0 0 Wheal Damsel ....... 43 2s2 14 0

3717 25,541 12 0 Average Standard 1051. 6s. Average Produce ti/r.