5 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 2

According to the last accounts from Madrid, every symptom of

insurrection had disappeared. GALIANO, the Cadiz Deputy, had been set at large, as well as the Colonel of the Urban Militia, who had been arrested. There were many rumours of a change of Ministry : almost every letter brings gossip of that descrip- tion—as often true as false, but seldom, it would seem, of much importance.. Catalonia is in a disturbed state. The inhabitants are desirous of having a government established on thoroughly Liberal prin- ciples, and suspect TOREN° of a design to support his Ministr

by the aid of the despotic Louis PHILIP. A Committee of the principal persons in the province have presented a memorial to the Queen Regent, in which they profess ardent loyalty to the Queen, but call upon the Regent to summon the Cones, and re- form her system of government.

The complexion of the news from the Northern provinces is favourable to the Queen. A party of Carlists, 350 foot and 50 horse, being hard pressed by the Royalists, violated the French territory, on the 25th of August. They were driven back by a regiment of light infantry, but not until they had fought for an hour and a half. General EVANS is said to be exceedingly popular with the Spa- niards. A regiment raised in Santander had solicited the Queen to appoint the General to be their Colonel. It was said that the Carlists meditated an attack on Bilboa, and the garrison had been reinforced. Much was expected from the gallantry and skill of General EVANS, but he had been occupied almost entirely in dis- ciplining his troops previously to active warfare.