5 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 21


THE all-engrossing interest of Politics has affected Literature as well as other things ; and the publications of the week are few and unimportant. Of the two works added to our Library, the Land of Vision is, by its nature, independent of marketable consi- derations; and Tremordyn Cliff is probably intended to give Toryism a lift amongst readers of the circulating library, and thus slyly influence minds inaccessible to more direct attempts. A Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth has reached us, from Messrs. SsilTil and ELDER, and remains for perusal. But, with this excep- tion, the publications on our table are few in number, and not striking in point of character.

The Chairman and Speaker's Guide, by THOMAS SMITH, is a timely work in these days of political excitement, when public meetings are not only frequent, but necessary. " Order, order, order !" is Mr. SMITH'S motto; and the object of his work is to maintain it at places where masses congregate, and often in a disorderly spirit. He points out the steps that should be taken in preparing to call a meeting, and the modes in which it may be called. He then gives directions for choosing a chairman, and describes the different steps that may be rightly taken by any person in the assembly, from the time of that officer taking the chair till he quits it.

Dr. WI. H. ROBERTSON'S Popular Treatise on Diet and Regi- men, is a compilation`intended to serve as a 'ext-book for the in- valid, and the dyspeptic—who is, we admit, something more than an invalid, and may fitly be called the miserable. The Doctor does not profess to be original, nor is he; but he gives the sub- stance of what PARIS and JAMES JOHNSON have said upon diges- tion, COMBE upon the skin, and THOMPSON of Glasgow upon mineral waters; together with gleanings from other writers upon these subjects, and some observations of his own. The method of the wr:Ior is clear ; and though his style of composition is not always in the purest taste, yet, either his manner inspires an interest, or the : ubject is so interesting in itself, that we willingly accompany him to the end of his book ; which may be safely recommended to all those who are on the look-out for a compendium on the arts of living and eating.

The indefatigable Mr. M'Peute, of Glasgow, has sent us a Scottish Tourists Steam-Boat Pocket Guide, which appears to be truly a nudtum in parvo. In size it is not larger than a moderate card-case ; yet it contains two clear and distinct maps, several tolerable views, and sixteen chapters full of detailed practical in- formation upon routes, distances, and conveyances. This little book also tells the tourist the sites and names of the most striking objects which present themselves to attention, and advises him touching those sights which require to be sought after, whilst there is enough of antiquarian and historical gossip intermixed to re- deem its facts from the dryness of a mere itinerary. The practical utility of a Guide-book, like that of many more important things, can only be decided upon by actual usage ; but were we about to start on a pleasure trip to the Western part of Scotland, the Steam- boat Pocket Guide should assuredly accompany us.

The Christian Physician is the title of a new and cheap Magazine, having for its benevolent object the improvement of mankind, by pointing out in a popular manner the sources of dis- ease and error in the violation of those laws which govern the physical and intellectual constitution of man. The First Number contains an introductory essay on Phrenology, by the editor, Dr. Epps, who views this science as that of the human mind. This, and the account of the process of Digestion, are clearly and forcibly written.

ARCHER'S Map of the Path of Halley's Comet is an intelligent guide for the most uninitiated of star-gazers to the situation of this eccentric luminary during the time that it is visible to us. The track of the comet, and its precise position at sixteen different dates between last month and next February, are distinctly laid down on a little circular revolving map of the celestial hemisphere, of which the polar star forms the centre. Not only the situation of the comet, but of any 01 the constellations in this portion of the heavens at a given point of time, may be readily ascertained by its means ; and this curiosity to mark the progress of the comet may lead numbers to be rewarded by an acquaintance with many of the stars of the first three degrees of magnitude.

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We rejoice to acknowledge the receipt of a second edition of the First Volume of MONTGOMERY MARTIN'S History of the British Colonies; not merely for the pecuniary interest of all concerned, but for the proof which it gives that ,the public are beginning to turn their attention to statistics, and to pay for them

snowledge. In despite of Mr. MARTIN'S errors of taste, and we think of principle, the number of facts which his work contains would alone render it useful; and we perceive by his preface, that, whilst sticking to his economical opinions, ho has carefully ex- punged in the present edition any "harsh expressions, and made such alterations as a more matured judgment or a calmer tone of thought may have suggested." The additions to the new volume occupy a hundred pages, independent of what is gained by re- trenchments; and amongst the novelties are returns of the sub- sidized, protected, and tributary chiefs of India. Two new maps have also been added to the volume.

The Seventieth Number of Dr. L AR DNER'S Cycloptedia contains the Second Volume of the Arts, 4.c. of The Greeks and Romans.

The information is presented in the manner of a dictionary ; the first subject being " Ablutio," the last "Vinum ;" the manner of conveying it is agreeable, but at times a little too trifling; and

though generally accurate so far as we have examined, yet there are some strange errors, which cant hardly be charged upon the printer.

The Seventeenth Volume of Sir WALTER Scores Prose Works commences his Periodical Criticism. The papers are very plea-

sant; but when examined in their collected shape, they rather read like skilful and entertaining articles, than display much power of criticism either scientific or perceptive. The last paper

is the review (from the Quarterly) of the Fourth Canto of" Childe Harold;" and the most curious part of it is the swaggering tone of triumphant Toryism with which it concludes.

MURRAY'S new edition of BOSWELL'S Life of Johnson is drawing to its close. Here is the Seventh Volume; bringing down the

hero's life to his seventy-first year. and ending with LASGToN's Collectanca,-an entertaining batch of shrewd, pointed, or pro- found remarks, which would prove, if nothing else remained, at what a distance JOHNSON leaves all other conversationalists.

The Parent's Cabinet of Amusement and Instruction-a little work of which we have occasionally spoken during its appearance

in parts-has closed its career, on the completion of its Sixth Volume. The one before us-which we presume is the last- forms a capital present for children, from the prettiness of its appearance, the number of its cuts, the variety and interest of its subjects, and the simple manner in which they are treated.

Mr. DOLBY'S School of Reform, which was also noticed during its progress, has reached a volume. And if it be not, what the author seems to fancy it, a manual of the elementary principles of politics, it at least contains a great number of interesting facts or information in connexion with Reform and Reformers.