5 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 14


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You ,1,,setil,” a hot cooling."--Sumisesas.

THERE was a time when the Whig Ministers felt or affected an anxiety to meet large bodies of the public, and to value public ap- probation of the cow-.e of policy they were pursuing. That was in the honeymoon of tbe marriage between Whiggery and Public Opinion. These fano: ,tic days of "love's young dream " are over now. Lord Jon,: ltr ssEr.e, who has leisure to visit die Tory Duke of' Scotland, on the North of the Tweed, has not leisure to dine with the ReforrneN of Edinburgh. (The Glasgow invitation to his Lord- ship has bomehow hiller' aside.) The time has been when Lord Jous, or airy of hni colleagues, would have gone out of their way to make such an opportunity as he now lets slip. We lay no great stress on the company Lord Jons was in when he declined the Edinburgh dinner : but we request, that the next time a Whig patter-on-the-back learns with indignation that a " Tory-Radical " or an " Impracticable Iteformer" has a Tory relation, (Sr has inter- changed the ci ilitics of private life with a Conservative, he will, before breaking out into exclamations, remember this concatena- tion—Tim REFORMERS OF EIJUSBURGU : LORD 301IN RUSSELL: DRUM1.ASR1G CASTLE. It it, at: counterpart of Macheath ; not where Inc sings " How happy could I be with either," but where he whispers Polly that they are partners for life, "because we are legally married."