5 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 3

The adjourned examination of Misters, suspected of the attempt to

assassinate Mr. Maereeth at Ludlow, has been postponed till Wednesday next ; as Mr. Macreeth had a relapse caused by eating solid food too The adjourned examination of Misters, suspected of the attempt to assassinate Mr. Maereeth at Ludlow, has been postponed till Wednesday next ; as Mr. Macreeth had a relapse caused by eating solid food too

• soon, and was not able to attend before the Magistrates at the time first Sated. Since that time, however, the wounds have been healing more rapidly than was expected ; and Mr. Macreeth is now able to eat solid food with impunity.

A man charged with the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Cook, at Peover, near Knutsford, has been apprehended at Cavan, in Ireland. The cir- cumstances of his apprehension arc very curious. It appears that amongst other articles found in the cottage after the murder, was a piece of paper, upon which was some writing. It purported to be part of a character given by a gentleman resident at Cavan to a servant leaving his employ. The letter was handed over to the Cavan police, and in less than two hours the party in whose favour it was given was taken into custody. The man's name is Bartholomew Murray. He last winter went about Knutsford selling oranges, and had latterly been employed in harvest-work. He was seen at Knutsford the day before the murder, in want of work and 'money. A correspondent at Knuts- ford informs us that the prisoner bad been employed by Mr. Cook as an agricultural labourer for two days, and that he had also worked on the farm adjoining Cook's residence.