5 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 8

From Canada the latest date is August 13th. The Governor-General

left Quebec on the 9th of Aueust, on a visit to St. Francis and the Eastern townships. He had been unwell, but was better again.

The Montreal papers contain the petition of several inhabitants of the Quebec and Three Rivers districts, to be presented to the Governor- General and the Imperial Parliament, against a great many ordinances which have been passed by the present Government.

On the 30th of July, the great meeting of the militia and inhabitants of tipper Canada was held, on Qtteenston Heights, for concerting the means of restoring the monument to General Brock; which had been damaged in one of the border-incursions. A fleet of steamers from various quarters rendezvoused at Toronto, and proceeded up the Nia- gara river ; and on landing, the assemblage, which is estimated at from 6,000 to 10,000 persons, marched to the Heightsin miltary order. The Lieutenant-Governor presided ; and the meeting was addressed by Sir Allan M`Nab, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Honourable W. Morris, and others. It was decided that the monument should be rebuilt ; and that each militiaman, of whatever rank, should contribute one day's pay towards the cost. Sir George Arthur gave 501. ; Sir John Harvey sent 23/. ; and the Chief Justice gave 20/. After the meeting a dinner was held in a pavilion erected for the purpose.

Some soldiers of a Coloured company at Fort Erie, where there was no commissioned officer in charge, had fired upon the American steamer Chesapeake. It is said that they were grossly provoked by the people on board the steamer ; but the firing is still considered unjustifiable ; and an inquiry had been instituted, to bring the offenders to condign punish- ment.

The following strange tale is quoted from the St. Louis Bulletin— "It will be seen by reference to the British papers, that the North passage, so long sought after by adventurous navigators, has at length been discovered by two young men belonging to the Hodsoa's Bay Company. It is not our intention to enter into a denuded report of the memorable voyage, but merely to mention the melancholy fide of one of the discoverers. "It appears that on their return to York factory, the present dep(4 of time Hudson's Bay Company, they both set out for -England, eager to grasp the rich reward which the British Government never falls to lavish upon all her citi- zens who contribute any thing towards extending her wide-spread domains, or to perpetuating her well-earned fame. On the arrival of the two young men at Lake Winnepeek, they disagreed about the route which should he pursucd, and there separated. Mr. Simpson, accompanied by Mr. Bird, Mr. Legros, and twenty or thirty of the colonists, ktrIlek tICII/88 for St. Petee's, intending to push on to New York rid the Lases, and thence sail for LiverpoJI. Mr. amume, his compeer, with another party, set out for time Conadas. "About the 20th of' June, Mr. Simpson and his party had reach«l Turtle River ; where they encamped for the night. lie lool, front the beginning of the journey, exhibited occasional symptoms of mental halbieination—eaused, as the party supposed, by the dread of living outstripped by his competitor in their brig race for Leedom On time miming above-mentioned, he had con- tinued to push on until elate Lour at night ; and even final his feverish state of excitement deprived him of nourishment or rest. " When they stopped, amid while in time act of camping, Mr. Simpson turned suddenly round and shot Mr. Bird through the heart ; and before the astounded patty could fly from the presence of the madman, he discharged the other bar- rel, and mortally wounded Mr. Legros. It appears the party had separated ; and when he committed the murder oh his companions, there were only two

more present, one of them a son of Mr. Legros, who immediately fled a short distance. The dying father earnestly implored Simpson to permit his son to return and embrace him before he should die ; which he agreed to, and beckoned them back, saying there was nothing to fear.

"On their return, Simpson accused Legros of conspiring with Bird; and asked him whether it was not their intention to assassinate him that night? The dying man said it was; but on being interrogated a second time, he denied having any intention or design of such a deed; and shortly after he expired. Simpson then ordered the two men to bridle their horses, and prepare to return with him to the settlement ; but no sootier were they mounted, than they dashed off in quest of the main body, and overtook them about eighteen miles ahead. "They all returned in the morning; and when they had reached within two hundred yards of the camp, they got a glimpse of Simpson at the door of his tent, and immediately afterwards heard a report of a gun. Supposing that he was determined to carry out the work of destruction which he had begun, they attempted to intimidate him by firing three vollies in the direction ot the camp, and then approached it cautiously. When they came up, they found their commander weltering in his blood, and on closer examination found that he had literally blown his head to pieces! "'l'ime party arrived at St. Peter's about the 1st of July, in possession of the important papers, and other property belonging to the ill-fated Simpson. " These particulars we learn from Mr. W. A. Aitkin, a trader from Lake Superior. Mr. Aitkin further states that the whole matter is involved in mys- tery, which time only can clear up.

"The unfortunate Simpson was a native of Scotland, and a nephew of the present Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company. He was about twenty-eight years of age; possessed of fine talents, au amiable disposition, and the universal esteem of those who knew him."