5 SEPTEMBER 1868, Page 3

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Bonds left

off at the annexed quotations :—

Brazilian, 1855 Egyptian, 1864



Aug. 28.

78} 851

61 I

14 Sept. 4. 7.54x. d.

se f

hal 14

Aug. 28.,

Russian (Angio-Dutch) 644 Spanish, 1807 344

Turkish, 1354 G74 „ 1802 GO} Sept. 4. 161/ 34} 65ex. d. 651 Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left off at the annexed quotations :— Aug. 28. Sept. 4.

kng. 28. Sept. 4.

Great Eastern

164 89i

Lon., Chathatn,& Dover

181 184

Great Northern

104ex d. 100e0. d.

Metropolitan 1101 107

Great western

421 494 Midland 10.5es. d.

107f2. d.

Lancashire& Yorkshire

189 1274x. d.

Nrth-Eaetern, Berwick 1041 /3109. d.

London & Brighton ... 51 511

Do. York 91 89ex. d.

Lou. & North-Western 11811x. d. 1121x. 41.


731cx. d Ilex. d.

Lou. & South-Western 88 83