5 SEPTEMBER 1885, Page 1

In favour of a popular Local Government Bill, moreover, Lord

Hartington spoke strongly ; but he did not wish to see powers given to the Local Authority to purchase land for the purpose of artificially redistributing it among the labourers ; and he threw out a protest against free education. On the Irish Question, he read a violent attack by Lord Cranborne,—Lord Salisbury's eldest son,—on the supposed disposition of the late Liberal Government " to knuckle down " to the Parnellites, and so to throw Ireland back into "civil war,"—an attack delivered just before the defeat of the Government,--and he contrasted this criticism on the supposed intentions of the late Government with the actual "knuckling-down" policy of the present one. Lord Hartington concluded by answering Mr. Parnell's newest declara- tion of policy thus :—" His [Mr. Parnell's] action may result in a series of short Governments; it may result in some uncertainty and change of policy ; it may result in the postponement of necessary and wished-for reform. But the time will come, after these inconveniences have been endured for a time, the time will inevitably come when, in consequence of such actions of the Irish Party, any serious political differences which may exist among the parties in this country will be comparatively obliterated, and means will be found by which a practically united Parliamentary representation,—a practically united country,—will impose a firm and decided veto on proposals which are in their opinion so fatal and so mischievous to the integrity of the empire and the prosperity of its people."