5 SEPTEMBER 1885, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me to offer a remark upon the letter of Mr. W. Herbert Hill in the Spectator for August 22nd, and your comment ?

The population of the Channel Islands by the Census of 1821 was 49,427 ; by that of 1881 it was 87,702. The area is 48,322 statute acres, of which a considerable portion is barren. The rate per square mile is nearly 1,200. I believe the population of England is about 420, and we hear constant complaints of the need of relieving it by emigration.

How far the dense population of these Islands is due to the principles of self-government I have attempted to show briefly in an article which I have lately contributed to the Fortnightly Review, in which it will, I hope, shortly appear. I need not, therefore, trouble you with any attempt to reproduce the details. But it is time that the social history of these little nations was studied by English publicists.—I am, Sir, &c., H. E. KEENE.