5 SEPTEMBER 1896, Page 25

Your Money or Your Life. By Edith Carpenter. (Sampson Low

and Co.)—This is a very amusing and unconventional book—very amusing and unconventional indeed to be written by a lady. It tells how a young man of business in New York is driven, partly by impatient dislike of his work, and partly by what appears hopeless love of the daughter of one of his partners, to set forth on a career of adventure. He gets into the company of train- robbers, is mistaken for their captain, Tom Nelson, even by the extraordinary young woman generally known as " Jerroray "—her real name is Geraldine Roray—who has fallen in love with the American reproduction of Claude Duval—and is all but sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment. The end—the marriage in open court of the real Tom Nelson to Geraldine, who is the Sheriff's daughter —is a trifle too farcical and too suggestive of light opera. The Chloe—and—Strephon interlude in the courtship of Tom Norrie and Janet Trumbull is also a shade unreal. The author's high spirits are, however, contagious, and there is no doubt as to the genuine fun of the scenes in which the" drummer" Potts, who is in reality Tom Nelson in disguise, takes the leading part. Full of rollicking nonsense though it is, Your Money or Your Lafe is, nevertheless, written with great and commendable care.