5 SEPTEMBER 1896, Page 27


Barnett (A. T.), The Shadow of Heaven, or Svo (SkEtfiagton) 3/6

Bensly (Mrs. R. L.), Our Journey to Sinai, or 8vo (B.P.S.) 3/6 Burnet (J.), Greek Rudiments, cr 8vo (Longmans) 5/0 (S. Low) 10/6 Cook (W.), Fowls for the Times, or 8vo (Simekin) 2/6 Byingtou (R. H.), The Puritan in England, Svo Crawford (E.) (Mrs. J. A. Crawford), Jo of Auchendorass (Hutchinson) 6/0 Fame (A. D.), Tabular Pr6cis of Military Law, 4to (Macmillan) 1010

Girlhood and Wifehood, by a Surgeon, Cr Svo (Family Doctor Officel 2/6

Gould (Nat., The Magpie Jacket, 12mo (Routledge) 2/0 Benslow (G.), How to Study Wiid Flowers, or 8vo (R.T.S.) 2/6

Hocking (3.), Fields of Fair Renown, or 8vo (Ward ALixet) k) 53/06

Smith Hodder (E.), George of Coalville, cr Svo N Kennard (Mrs. E.), The Sorrows of a Golfer's Wife, cr Svo (F. V. White) 2/6 Kingsley (F. M.). Stephen, or Svo (S.S.U.) 3/6 Knight (W.), The Arch of Titus, dm, or Svo (

Leggett (T. W.), Agnes C. P. Watt, or 8vo ( 11 o ni 1 sTt (R.T.S.) 2/ 6/06

Low (IL), Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo (Truslove & Hanson) 50/0

Mausford (C. J.), Under the Naga Banner, Cr Svo (J. Hogg) 3/6

Masca (A. J.), Principles of Ecclesiastical Unity, cr Svo (Longinans) 316 Montresor (F. F.), False Coin or True? or 8vo Hutchinson) 3/6 Nesbitt (J. J.), The Unique Reciter, cr 8vo Simpkin) 2/6

Oxley (J. M.). On the World's Roof, er Sao (Nisbet) 3/6

Quaker Grandmother (A), by Iota, cr Svo (Hutchinson) 6(0

Rubinson (C. HO, Specimens of Hausa Literature, 4to...(Camb Univ. Press) 5/0

Robinson, Specimens of Hausa Literature,with Facsimiles (Camb.Univ. Press, 10.0 Steen (A.). A Fair Palmist, cr Svo (Hurst di Blackett) 6/0 Shaw (W. F.), Sermon Sketches, cr Svo (Skeffington) 30

Step (E.). By the Deep Sea, 12mo (Jarrold) 5/0

Thyme (R.), Matthew Flinders, or Svo (J. Hogg) 3/6

Tint (J. W.), British Butterflies, cr Svo (G. Gill) 5/0

Wells (3.), Travel Pictures from Palestine, imp 8vo (Isbister) 7/6

Wright (S.), The Agricultural Rates Act, 1896, or Svo (Estates Gazette Office) 2/6