5 SEPTEMBER 1931, Page 16

" FORGOTTEN ENGLAND " [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Snt,—In his not unkindly notice of my Forgotten. England in your axle of August 22nd your reviewer includes a challenging question, " How a priest who worships God as creator and director of the world can reconcile that with bitter and abusive dissatisfaction at the way the world goes." Surely the answer is not far to seek. All Christians, presumably, believe in original and actual sin. (Without sin Redemption were , meaningless.) The many catastrophes that mark human history, such as the European War, hardly betoken a Divine approval of the use often made by mankind of the gift of free will—e.g., the furious avarice that de facto has accompanied industrialism. And a greater catastrophe threatens us to-day.—I am, Sir, &c., H. E. G. ROPE.