5 SEPTEMBER 1998, Page 47

High life

Broken promises


Gstaad eddyeddy Roosevelt, one of America's greatest presidents and then some, explained his foreign policy as 'speaking softly but carrying a big stick'. Last June, the Draft Dodger, America's worst presi- dent ever, said, 'I am determined to do all I can to stop a repeat of the human carnage in Bosnia and the ethnic cleansing .. .' Clinton was speaking about Kosovo and Slobodan Milosevic's systematic destruc- tion of its society.

Since then, Milosevic's troops have destroyed 20,000 houses and rendered homeless 400,000 people, one fifth of Kosovo's population. The big stick that Clinton threatened with is nowhere to be found, although when Ken Starr's report finally surfaces, I wouldn't be surprised to find it featured as a sex toy in the Oral Office.

Bluster and bullshit is what Clinton's for- `I'm sure its excellent, Tom, but some of our parishioners would be uncomfortable with marijuana in the harvest festival.' eign policy is all about. No ifs or buts about it. Milosevic is starving Muslims to death, so why should Clinton worry? The Serbs shell a village driving out the people, then they rob it and set it on fire. There are now 300,000 refugees with nothing to eat wan- dering about. In Bosnia, at least, foreign aid workers could feed the hungry. Not in Kosovo, where aid workers carrying food are targeted and at times executed.

Welcome to the age of Clinton, Berger and Albright. When the latter discovered her Jewishness — just as she was named secretary of state — Barbara Amiel wrote an article wondering how it came to be that Mrs Albright had not 'looked in the mirror all these years .. — i.e., Babs did not believe Madeleine's surprise at discovering she's Jewish. Albright is an opportunist and a weakling. Hers is the exact opposite of Teddy Roosevelt's motto. She speaks loud- ly and carries a stick the size of Clinton's adventurous cigar.

Although I'm sure Albright is not about to take my advice, I shall nevertheless give it to her. She is more suited to be a `mohel' than a secretary of state. For any of you unfamiliar with the term, a mohel is a per- son who performs the ancient ritual of cir- cumcision. Circumcising babies is easy; convincing people like Netanyahu, Saddam and Milosevic that she means business is very, very hard. Give it up, Madeleine, and become a mohel: the world will be better and safer for it.

Following my world exclusive last week, some persons here in Gstaad have been complaining loudly about yours truly hang- ing around with Osama bin Laden in White's bar as well as that of the Eagle club. These people are fools. I used to see him in these places, but I don't any more. The Sunday Times, for which I write the Atticus column, even contacted my buddy Charlie Glass — in Ithaca, of all places in order to check out my world exclusive. Now everyone in this peaceful and bucolic Alpine village is worried that some gung-ho American might tomahawk the Palace hotel with a cruise missile.

This simply won't do. Launching missiles into countries with which America is tech- nically at peace is like declaring that rules do not apply. America is not free to make its own rules, just as England cannot send its cruise missiles against Ireland, which harbours more terrorists than drunks. Bet- ter yet, launching missiles at distant targets is neither effective militarily, nor as a deterrent against future acts of terrorism.

Last week, a friend of mine, Stanley Weiss, almost walked out of a dinner I was giving because I accused William Cohen, secretary of defence, Sandy Berger, nation- al security adviser, and Madeleine Albright of knowing full well that the Draft Dodger had launched the missiles because of the Lewinsky case. They went along with it because once you serve as big a crook and liar as Clinton you become corrupt as well — Dorian Grays all of them, their sins etched forever in a ghastly picture deep in the White House vaults.

Clinton has broken his promises to the Palestinians and the peace process has been subverted as a result. Back in 1993, Clinton promised to guarantee an equi- table settlement to the Palestinians. He has done nothing of the sort. Across the Mus- lim world his irresponsibility and craven opportunism has fuelled huge animosity. Saudi Arabia is now on a par with Iran dur- ing the Shah's last years. Berger, Albright and Clinton are the greatest threat to world peace, much more so than Milosevic and old Harry Laden.