6 APRIL 1844, Page 2

Attention is turned to Italy just now, one can scarcely

say why ; but the smouldering volcano casts up smoke, and who knows what may follow. Actual information is of the obscurest. There has been disturbance at Cocenza in Calabria, but they say that that is suppressed. Disorders elsewhere are asserted, with no certain au- thority. The story that the Vatican has been blown up is evi- dently nothing but a fabrication. But then it is said that there is to be a revolution ; and the Times boasts of proof that it is to be brought about by "La Giovane Italia" ; while the Chronicle ridi- cules the whole vaticination, and says that Young Italy does not exist. The only thing certain is, that the Southern Govern- ments of Italy are in a fright ; and as they subsist not by opinion but by suppressing opinion, their tenure is quite in- secure enough to justify tremour at every sound of a Car- bonaro song carolled in Malta; where the Police have no autho- rity to check the abstract but significant patriotism of "Chi per la patria muore," and such ditties, exiled from Italy. A request fbr an Austrian intervention is talked of; but then, will not France also intervene ? And the Palmerstonian Chronicle hints at the policy of a general intervention, to settle the classic Peninsula. The idea of a Congress, with outspeaking representatives from Western Europe, possibly from Republican America, now claiming to put its finger in the pie, is enough to drive the superannuated Italian Governments into hysterics, and to make them rub on as they best may with police to keep them up by keeping down Liberalism and customhouse-officers to keep out Lady MORGAN'S books and French doctrines. The plan, however, of existing by excluding, all Europe, cannot last much longer. The Times re- commends Austria to anticipate the evil day, by setting about the work of apgeneration. Austria !—will METTERNICH take a leaf out of PEEL'S book ? It is not likely. He is too old ; and has suc- ceeded too well with the old plans, while be had the faculties more distinctly to discern results. How the change is to be effected in Italy, therefore, is a riddle that would puzzle CEdipus.