6 APRIL 1844, Page 9



The public, as we anticipated, are becoming every day more desirous of in- vesting money in Terminable Annuities ; and the Government-broker has been kept in daily employment during the week by the purchase of Stock on Account of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Dad; the funds so employed being provided by the lame sums continually paid at the National Debt Office for the purchase of almost every description of Ter- minable Annuities. The consequence of these operations has been a rise of nearly 1 per cent in the price of Three per Cent Console; the pnrchase of the Government-broker having been today made at 991: the quotation advanced in the course of the afternoon to 99a, but a sale of 50,000/. has since caused a slight depression, and the doting quotation is 991 1 both for Money and Account.

The, books of the various Stocks the Dividends upon which become due to- morrow, (Good Friday.) will be open fur private transfer on Saturday the 6th, and the Dividends themselves will ha paid to the public on Tuesday next. Money, though very abundant for commercial purposes, has-beers for the last few days in demand in the Stock Exchange ; where interest at the rate of 4 per cent has been obtained for loans upon the security of Foreign Stock : but, as many capitalists decline making loans upon any description of Foreign Bonds, an advance in the rate of interest in this particular instance must not be taken as indicating a general increase in the value of money. In the Foreign Market, there has been a very extraordinary movement in Dutch Two-and-a. halfper Cent Bonds; which have been today at 611, being nearly 4 per cent rise since our last report. This great improvement has been occasioned by a large demand having occurred for the Stock in the home market, in consequence of the accomplishment of some financial arrangement by which the reduction of the Five per Cents is rendered secure. The Five per Cents have not of course advanced in any great degree, the quotation of today being 100 to 1 ex dividend, equivalent to one last week of 1021 lin. Spanish Bonds have been the objects of much speculation. The arran'oe- ment of the tobacco-contract, and the creation of a fund out of which the di- vidends upon the Three per Cent Stock is to be pr alided, (although this opera- tion is coupled with another by which 10,000,000/. of Three per Cent Stock will be created,) has given increased value to the Three per Cents: which have been as high as 381; fro n that point, however, a reaction occurred, and the price has ranged today from 2 to 2f per cent lower; closing at 361 a. Active Stock has been in demand ; one part of the new financial plan being the con- version of the 15 per cent of dividends now over-due into Three per Cents,— which, at the present price of that Stock, is equal to a bonus of between 5 and 6 per cent. These Bonds have consequently been as high as 2d; but they close about percent lower, viz. 26,1 k. The South American and Mexican Bonds have all been at considerably ad- vanced prices; the great advance in the price of English Funds tending to force up every variety of security. The value of the more worthless descriptions has not been maintained ; and in consequence of some sales, a depreciation of rather more than 1 per cent has occurred. Portuguese Bonds are firmer, although the last intelligenee from Lisbon did not bring the anticipated ac- count of the suppression of the rebellion. The business in Railway Shares, although of a generally diversified cha- racter, has not been such as to require remark : the prices of today are, how- ever, for the most part in advance of those of last week. The French lines continue favourites; and will most probably improve, as the traffic upon the Chief of them becomes developed by the approaching season. Very little of what is properly termed speculation can be said to exist; as will be seen by Use trifling premium at which many important new undertakings are quoted in the market.


The quarterly return of the Revenue, published in the papers of yesterday, has this morning had a beneficial effect on the English Stock Market ; and Consols SOGG after the opening were done at 100: they have since receded a, being now quoted 99a a; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1034 f. The Re- duced Stocks have opened for the first private transfer this morning, and are quoted 99 a for the Three per Cents: Three-and-a-half ditto, 102a f ; both ex- dividend. Bank Stock, 201 3 for Account ; Exchequer Bills, 71 3. In Foreign Stocks, nothing particular has yet occurred : Brazilian, 80 1; Belgian, 104 5; Chilian, 1024; Danish, 861 7/ ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 611; Ditto Five per Cents, 100 1 ; Mexican, 361 7; Portuguese, 46 7 ; Spanish Active Five per Cents, 26f 1 ; Ditto Three per :Cents, 36f 1. in Shares no business of importance has yet been transacted.


The English Market has continued in much the same state, with very little doing. Consols for Money and Account, 991 a ; Three per Cents Reduced, 99 A; Three.and-a-half per Cents Reduced, 102f 1, ex. div.; New Three-and- a-half per Cents, 1031 1; Bank Stock, 198a 9, ex. div. ; Exchequer Bills, 713. in Foreign Stocks, little alteration has occurred: Brazilian, 80 1; Belgian, 104 5 ; Chilian, 1024; Danish, 86/ 87/ ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 61f ; Dutch Five per Cents, 100 A; Mexican, 361 7; Portuguese, 46 7; Russian, 117 18; Spanish Active' Five per Cents, 2611; Ditto, Three per Cents, 36/ 1; Venezuela Active, 391 40f. ln Railways, business has been transacted at the following prices per share.: Birmingham and Gloucester, 941; New Ditto, 24; Bristol and Exeter, 72; Bristol and Gloucester, 19; Chester and Holyhead, 74 ; Dublin and Cashel, 6; Eastern Counties, Old Shares, 12*; New Ditto, 13a ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 654; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 161; Great Western, 1091; Grand Junction, Half-Shares, 70; Hull and Selby, 59f ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 71; London and Brighton, 44a ; London and Birmingham, 2351; Ditto, Quarter- Shares 281; Ditto, Thirds, 40; South-western, 84; Croydon Trunk, 161; Manchester and Birmingham, 491 ; Norwich and Brandon, 7f ; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 381; Northern and Eastern, Quarter-Shares, 161; Paris and Orleans, 36; Paris and Rouen, 37; Rouen and Havre, 151; South- eastern and Dover, 35; Strasburg and Bale, 114; York and Scarborough, 201. 3 per Ceti' Consols 991 4 : Colombian ex Venezuela ... 151 i Ditto for Account k 4 1 annsh 3 per Cents 86/ 871

3 per Cent Reduced 991 1 Dutch 24 per Cents 61 4

SI per Cent Ditto. 1024 1 Ditto 5 per Cents ...... .... 1001 New 31 per Cents . . 103/ 1 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned . Mt 7

Bank Stock ex dir. 1981 6 Ditto Deferred 161 4 •

Exchequer Bills prem. 71 73 Poi tugueSe New 5 p. 0..1841 46 7

India Stock shut Russian Spar Cents 117 18 Braziliau 5 per Cents 80 I Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 26/ 1 Belgian 5 per Cents 104 5 Ditto 3 tier Cents 1842 S61 i '

Chaian 6 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela Active 391 404