6 APRIL 1850, Page 1

More is going forward in Germany than meets the eye.

Prussia is contending against failure at Erfurt; Austria has given a for- mal adhesion to the Wurtemberg allience,—stipulating, however, that the whole Empire enter the League : facts that lend signifi- cance to the personal courtesy. which King Frederick William has shown towards the Duke of Genoa, son to the Bing of Sardinia. On the other hand, Austria professes a long-standing willingness to revise the European settlement of 1815 ! The Princes of Ger- many are shuffling the cards, reaction and reformation, with a view of cheating each Other. They are manifestly bent on some

not altogether benevolent : they are secret,—whence it is inferred that they are striving to evade the direct force of facts ; their most obvious difficulty being that manifest disposition to cheat each other. They are anti-national in their objects, or all this secret diplomacy and conspiring would not be necessary. But if we may trust present appearances, the people have so much chance as lies in the widening breach between the rival ambitions of Austria and Prussia.