6 APRIL 1850, Page 18



publications during the. Easter holydaye- have resembled those at thabeginningrof the year. Except Colonel Cathcart's." Commentaries," tb which we mean to return, and a few trifles which we note below, the.' arrivals consist- of reprints. MY. Murray ha's sent forth Washington Living's "Lives of the Successors of Mehemet," apparently with the honourable object of compkting- the work, as-ore suppose if will be reprinted in some cheap form, if it is likely to pay the expense. Mr. republished!Willis% "'People I have Met;" in a double volume °ilia Shilling. Series; a specnlation ha might as- well have- let alone, eince-thisffimarset of improbable "sketches" will rather have the effeet of lowering the character of his series. "A Sunday in London," seems- to be a republicatibn of papers that have appearedin. a periodical. callhd 77w Rambler,. with .a-good preface on: the went of public amuse- ments for the English people_ The main object of the book itself is to exhibit the hardships and miseries to which the poor are ex- posed, and to show up the conventional hypocriries of the rich. The is that of a foreigner ...spending his Sunday in London,. veto is made by a- series of' lucky- circumstances- to see or-hear various stories of humble virtue, temptation, and crime, besides observing the churches and doings of the idols The plan is ingenious; and- the tales are well written, thoughlueuxeeptional, we suspect, to present an average ides, and sometimes morally. impossible. ".The Hand of God. in History" an.altered and ivvised- reprint of a series of American sermons, in which the, principal events in the history of_ the world are brought together without much of' order,, selection,. or philosophy, but. each in made to il- lustrate the preacher'i lima:the intentions.of God Nor.isthe style any. Better than the arrangement The thitteenth volume of Alison's " His- tory-of 'Europe' contains the first abdication of Napoleon ,the American war of 1812, the- Congress of Vienna, and the story of the 'Hundred Days. to. the-battles of-Tagny and' (lustre Bras.: the portraits are Alexander and' Iildleyrand The current year's, Supplement to the last edition of Mr. Itileidloch's1" Commercial' Dictionary ' brings down the additional infer Malian. to. the. latest date. Themost interesting.. portion-of Mr. Henry Mitenties revised, publication of his paper read before- the Institute' of- ifritish Architects, is the account what has actually been done' by the society to which he ishenorary architect, in improving the lodgings of the poor, and the plane and elevations far that purpose exhibited in the ap- pendix. " Romanians in England" is a reprint, from the Historic Times, of a series of letters exposing the superstitions connected with scapula:sr mid other Romish. practices ; the letters originating in an advertisement for the sale of images, scapulars, beads, &c.- by Mr. Burn the book=' seller. The remaining half-dozen of new editions of 'well-known books tell their own story without the necessity of further remark; for the tram. lotion of Pestalozzi "s "Letters on Early Education" is only a reprint from EMI edition upwards of twenty years old Commentaries on the. War in _Russia and Germany iu 1812 and Ma. By Colonel the Honourable George Cathoart. With Plans autt.Ditut: grams.

Lives of the Successors of Mahomet. By Washington Irving. People I have .M'et ; or Pictures of Society and People of ' Mark, drawn' 'under a thin veil of fiction. By N. Parker Willis, Author of " Pen- eillings by the Way." (Bohn's Shilling Series.) A Sunday in London. By T. M. Capes, M.A. TheHisnrrofGori in History. By Morris Read A.M. With an, nitro- duction, Additions; and Notes, by the Reverend Henry. Christmarr„. M.A., &c.

History of Europe, from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 181.5. By Archibald. Alison-, &e. New edition, with Portraits. Volume nu Snppletnent to the Edition of Afr. MrCulloch's Commereial Dictionary published' in 1849:. Contrtining a great variety of interesting Infor- mation.

The Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, their Arrangement and Con- struction • illustrated by a reference to the Model Houses of the So- ciety for improving the Condition of the „Labouring Classes : being an Essay read January 21, 1850, at the Royalinstitute of British Archi- tects. With Plans and Elevations of Dwellings adapted to Towns, &c. By Henry Roberta, F.S.A., &a: • Romanism in _England. The Redemptorist Fathers of St. Mary's Con- vent, Park Road, Clapham. History of the Conquest of Peru ; with' a Preliminary View of the Civi- lization of the Incas: By William H. Prescott. Fottrth edition. In three volumes. Volume.. I.

The Works of Virgil. Literally Translated. into English Prose, with Notes, by Davidson. Anew edition, revised, with additional Notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley,• of Christ Church. (Bohn's Classical Library.) The Hamilton; or Official Life in 1830. 'By Mrs. Gore. (Bentley's Standard NoVels.), .Letters on _Early Klueation. Addressed to J. P. Graves, Esq. By Pestalozzi. Translated from the German. Manuscript. With a Me- moir of Pestalozzi. Originally printed in 1827.. (The Phcenix Li- brary.) Ince's Outlines of English History: With: Genealogical Chart. Inca's Outlines of General Knowledge.

Outlines of _Experimental Chemistry; being a Familiar Introduction to the Science of Agriculture. Designed for the use of Schools and Schoolmasters. By Thomas Tate, late Mathematical Professor on Chemistry. in the Battersea Training-College; &c.

[Contains a variety of simple' experiments that' cart be cheaply performed, followed by some of a more. complex. kind.; after which there is a brief ac- count of agricultural chemistry. It is well adapted.tot answer the purpose of conveying an elementary knowledge of the science:]

Electric Telegraph Manipulation; being the Theory and plain In- structions in Transmitting Signals to distant places, &e., through the combined agency of Electricity- and. Magnetism: By Charles V. Walker. Illustrated with wood-cuts.

[An account of the principles, practice; and economy of the Electric Tele- graph, by its head manager. It ism interesting little book„ copiously illus- trated by wood-cuts.];

The Boman ; a Dramatic.Poeut. By Sydney Yendys. [A drama, taking for its subject the late attempts at revolution in Italy. The author exhibits a sounding-finency in declamation, but he is unequal to dialogue or action.] The Working Ifan's Friend,' and Family rnstructor. Volume I.

[The collection into a neat volunie of the quarterly numbers of a weekly penny periodical, which aims at the solid and useful, and gives a great deal of matter for the money.]


The Town- and Country, Miscellany. Edited by Albert Smith.. No..I. April. [This. new periodical contains adltirtliversityof miscellaneouspapers: A little poetry; some reviews; a broad farce of town life-in the form.of fiction, such as -Mr: Albert. Smith delights to do,. two or three-sketches of travelling.inciN-. dents, including a ride upon a, buffalo bull to- avoid destruction by a herd), and a, skit upon the House of Commons, under the title of "A Night with the Speaker,' constitute the month's sixpenny bill of fare.]


Portraits of illustrious Personages of Great Britain. With Biographi- cal and historical` Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. By Edmund' Lodge,. Rsq.„ F.S.A. In eight volumes Volume VI.. (Bohn'sIllitio.- trated Library.) Vestiges of 014t.London. By John Wykeham Archer.. Part. II..


The Duty of Christian Subjection and the Unreasonableness of Separa- tion Cbruddered. A Sermon, by James Brogden, M.A.


The Warning the Church of England: A Sermon, preached in the Parish-ehereh- of Brent, Somerset, on Palm' gunday 1850. By George Anthony Denison, M.A. Infant _Regeneration, the Doctrine of the Holy Scripture and the Church of _England. A Sermon, preached in the Church. of St. Stephen, Walbrook, by the Reverend George Croly, LL.D. Sunday Trains may „Lawfully-be-Used, and Sunday Letters may Law- fully be Written ant D slivered: By a' Christian, but no Fanatic. Correspondence between the. Right Reverend _Dr. Wiseman and the Reverend Richard Boyle, in reference to the sudden Removal of the latter-from the Catholic Church of St John's, Islington, &c. By the Reverend Richard-Boyle. How much longer are we. to continue' Teaching Nothing More than what was Taught Two or Three Centuries Ago? 8ze. By M. E. Eight. _Letters to the Young Men of the Working Classes. By Thomas Cooper. A Sketch of Cheap Corn ; or the•Virealth of Agriculture. BAr- rister.