6 APRIL 1872, Page 3

Lord Lisgar, better known as Sir John Young, is about

to quit 'Canada, and Lord Dufferin will be appointed Governor-General -of the Dominion. That is a good selection. The Governor- 'General of Canada should be a sort of King, a sort of diplomatist, -and a sort of Commissioner for the repression of Fenianism ; and Lord Dufferin can play all those roles, and be an excellent guide and referee for the Canadian Cabinet besides. It is not everybody -who can preside pleasantly over a Government composed of men of two races, two languages, two creeds, and about nine systems of political thought. He loses all the advantage of his Syrian ex- perience, which would have stood him in good stead in India ; but he gains the use of his Irish experience, which in a country -threatened once a year with a Fenian invasion will be almost invaluable.