6 APRIL 1878, Page 3

The House of Commons have made one complete night of

it, and one half-night of it this week, over the Irish Sunday Closing Act ; and the " Obstructives " in this case were by no means exclusively Irishmen, many English Members joining in the fray on both sides, and some of them alternately voting for the Bill, and for the obstruction to the Pill. In short, the O'Connor Don, who has charge of the Sunday Closing Bill, and has had the promise of Government support, has had a weary task of it,—many of his own countrymen doing their very best to prevent Ireland from obtaining what the majority of Irish Mem- bers say she desires to obtain, and the English joining, in school- boy fashion, in the fray. Indeed, the struggle on the Sunday- Closing Bill for Ireland has been a kind of Parliamentary Donnybrook.