6 APRIL 1901, Page 27

Three books published by Messrs. Gale and Polden may be

mentioned together. The first and second are designed to assist candidates in passing the examinations now made necessary qualifications for commissions and for promotion. These are :— Afsiitary Law Made Easy, by Major S. T. Banning (4s. 65. net), a subject of the highest importance, and one that offers for the feet of the unwary more pitfalls than the civilian can readily imagine ; and Studies in Field Engineering (4s. net). Demolishing and re- pairing bridges, the defence of buildings and of positions generally are among the problems dealt with by pen ant pencil. The third volume is in its way scarcely less important, Boxing, by Captain W. Edgeworth-Johnston (2s. 6c1. net). For all that is done by arms of precision, there are various occasions in actual warfare when it is a great thing for a soldier to be able to deal a knockdown blow.