6 APRIL 1918, Page 17

WORKS OF REFERENCE. — Doti's Parliamentary Companion for 1918 (Sir Isaac Pitman

and Sons, 6s. net) is unusually welcome this year, for it contains a full and revised list of Ministers, ninety-four in all, and details of the Munitions Council, Air Council, and other new and old Departments. For the first time, Dod gives a table showing how the House of Lords is constituted. Of ita 692 members, counting Lord Curzon twice as a British and as an Irish Peer, 77 are not hereditary Peers. There are nineteen Peeresses. Nine- teen peerages were created in 1917.—The London Diocese Book for 1918, edited by Canon Clendinning Nash (S.P.C.K., 2s. net), is an exhaustive and well-arranged guide to the activities of the Church in London.