6 APRIL 1934, Page 38

" The Spectator " Crossword No. 8o


[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the firti correct solution of this week's crossword pu=le to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelope, will be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the zeimur will be published in our next issue.] „ Fri

. 5 6

7 I8

9 to

13 14

11. Once behead a man twice

15. - Iterum Crispinus. 16. This tree made a punning 13. Black-and-white man.

1. This function suggests a man of war. -

17. Reversed existence in the Victoria Embankment.

18. Vermin's end.

20 rcv. Perhaps not Mr. W. ties, fait la farce. Elliot's favourite author. 14. No lover, certainly.

22 rev. Italian port. 21. A little pause. 23. What was inscribed on 25 rev. Wept in Scotland.

26 rev. One of the discoverers shine from far."

of roast pork. 32. Same as 36.

27. Rustic negative.

29. Small account.

31. E.g., Private Pagett.

33. Northern island.

35. Illustrates the title of a Gustav Hoist anthem.

36. Beheaded threesome in S. America.

37 rev. Muddled master.

38. Religious persecutions that would seem to requ:re a St. George. beheaded in No. 79. 4 rev. Suggests a Communk 5. Flattery of a sort.

6. You are in deeds. 2 rev. Gustavus. 3 rev. Leafy retreat in America. 1. Is this country's name a graduate.

lucus a non lucendo ?

house-name in Notre Dame 7. " Box and Cox are -."

de Paris. 8 rev. There is one on the 10. Name of two Shakespeare ladies.

34. A mixed meal.