6 APRIL 1956, Page 36

LANDSCAPE WITH DEAD DONS. By Robert Robinson. (Gollancz, 10s. 6d.)

The detective is called Autumn; the college porter, Tantalum. There is a reporter by name of Bum, which—and whom—I find it hard to forgive the author (himself a journalist), though I would forgive him much for calling the butler DimblebY. Exhaustingly high-spirited, as you see; and the murder i9 unmasked at Parson's Pleasure, which means an edifying scamper in the starko all the way to the Martyrs' Memorial. It is the Regius Professor of Medicine, by the way, who ascertains the cause of death—and it was to the Vice-Chancellor, no less, that Death, the Great Psychiatrist, came.