6 AUGUST 1836, Page 13


Arrived—At Gravesend. August 211, Montrose, Wall. from Bengal ; Java, Todd, from Bombay ; Ly idler, and Kersew ell, from the Cape; Jean Graham. Warren. and Siuga• pore. Lock, from Singapore; and 3d. Itobarts, Wake. hum Bengal. At Liverpool, 30th, 'Zoe. Holmes, front Mauritius. At the Cape, May lit!,, Matilda, Conlin, from London; 13th, Penelope, litliellitISOn. from China ; 27th, Hoitensia. Reed. from Liver- pool; 291.11. Cheerful. 'Tinley. hon. ditto; 31st, Buckinghamshire, Ilopkins, from

Bombay ; June 1st, Belle A Arkoll, from Madras ; stratheden, Cheap.. from

London dl, Gemmel Gascoyne, Kirby. hum China; and Emily. „ from Bengal. At the Mauritius. March 26th. Blakely, llarding, from Liverpool ; and April Gth. Clansman, Blair. front London. At Madras, 51 arch 81 h. 11 i infester]. Redman. from London. At Bengal. March 3d, Stirlingshire, Sculley, from Liverpool; 5th. Argyle, 51' Donald, from London; 6th, Jupiter, Galbreath, from the Clyde; and 8th. Catherine. Bose. from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, Aug. 1st, Broxbornebury, Chapman, for Bengal ; and 341. Carmatic, Brodie, for Bombay. From Liverpool. July 2511,, Albion, Underwood, for Bombay.