6 AUGUST 1836, Page 17



The Edinburgh Review, or Clitical Journal. No. CXXVIII. July 1838.

Longman and ; A. and C. Blade. Edinburgh. The Quarterly Review. No. CXII. July 1d36 Murray. The London and Westminster Review. Nos. VI. and XLIX. July 1836... Marrone. The Foteign Quarterly Review. No. XXXIV. July 1836 Richter and Co. The British and Foreign Review, or European Quartetly Journal. No. V. July 1836. Ridgway and Sims. The Dublin Review. No. II. July 1836 Spooner ; Wakeman, Dublin. Mame,

The Violin ; being an account of that leading Instrument and its most eminent Pro- fcsiors : including Hints to Amateurs, Anecdotes, Fec. By George Outman:. Caws.


The Oakleigh Shooting Code; containing two hundred and twenty Chapters of In. formation relative to Shooting Red Grouse, Itlack.Go me, Partridges, Pheasants. Woodcocks, Snipes, and Hares. By Thorns s Onkleigh, Esq. Edited by the Author

of' Nights at Oubleigh Old Manor-Hall." Ridgway and Sons.