6 AUGUST 1842, Page 21


WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 2.-3d Regt. of Drag. Guards-Cornet W. Squire to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Brydges, who retires ; -Second Lieut. A. R. Robinson, from the 87th Foot. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Squire; Cornet A. It. Robinson to be Adjt. Tice Warner, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 9th Regt. of Foca-Staff-Surg. of the Se- cond Clues James Malcolm to be Surg. vice Sievwright, promoted on the Staff. 12th Foot-G. H. M. Johnston. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Beere, appointed to the 20th Foot. 13th Foot-Major T. C. Squire to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase. vice Tronson, who retires upon full-pay; Capt. J. G. D. Taylor to be Major, vice Squire: Lieut. G. King to be Capt. vice Taylor ; Ensign A. Montgomery to be Lieut. vice King ; J. F. Woodhouse. Gent, to be Enstn, vice Montgomery. 20th Foot-En- sign W. P. Radcliffe to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Hall, who retiree; Ensign D. Beere, from the 12th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Radcliffe. 32d Foot-E. Moorhead, M.D. to be AssistsSurg. vice M•Gregor, appointed to the Staff. 334 Foot-Assist.-Surg. J. G. Bewlbv. from the 1st West India Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Mackintosh. dec. 37th Foot-Ensign J. Jones to be Adjt. vice Byrne. who resigns the Adjutancy only. 524 Foot-Coluur-Sergt. J. Williams to be Quartermaster, vice Chine, dec. 71st Foot- Assist.-Surg. G. Carr. from the Staff, to be Assist-Surg. vice td•Diarmid, who ex- ehanges. 79th Foot-Ensign T. B. Butt to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Milbank, who retires ; J. A. G. Campbell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Butt. 830 Foot- Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Botet Trydell to be Lieut.-Colonel without purchase vice the Honourable Henry Dundee. placed upon half-pay ; Brevet-Major J. Swinburue to be Major, vice Trydell; Lieut. W. Gamtin to he Capt. vice Swinburne; Ensign the Hon. W. Gage to be Lieut. vice Garstin; Ensign Vel A. R. Maxwell, from half pav unattached, to be Ensign, vice Gage. 87th Foot-F. Colegrave, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, Nice Robinson, appointed to the 3d Drag. Guards. 1st West India Regt.-F. Andrews, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Bowlby, appointed 1/ the 338 Fort. '

2d West India Regt.-Capt. T. Armstrong, from half-pay unattached, to he Capt. vice G. F. Hereford. who exchanges ; Lieut. G. Howell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Armstrong, who retires.To be Aidesale•Camp to the Queen-Brevet-Col. G. A. Wetherell, of the let Foot-vice the Hon. H. Dundee, dismissed from that appointment; Lieut.•Col. S. Viscount Guillamore, on half-pay unattached, (with the rank of Col. in the Army,) vice Delude, killed in action.

Brevet-Capt. T. Armstrong, of the 2d West India Regt. lobe Major in the Army. Hospital Staff-Surg. J. French, M.D. from the 99th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the First Class; Surg. F. Sievwright, M.D. from the 9th Font, to be Staff.Surg of the First Class, vice .1. Lightbody, who retires upon half pay ; Staff Assist.-Surg. S. M. Hada- way to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, rice Malcolm, appointed to the 9th Foot; F. Reid, M.D. to be AssistsSurg. to the Forces, vice Hadaway ; Assist.- Surg. J. D. 51•Diurmid, from the 71st Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Carr, who ex- changes; AssistsSurg. D. M'Gregor, from the 321 Foot, to be Assist-Surg. to (Ito Forces, vice Greer, dec.

WAR rinses. Aug. 5.-lst Regiment Dragoon Guards-Cornet G. W. Blathwayt to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Powell, who retires ; P. S. Thompson, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Blathwast. 3d Regt. Drag. Guards-H. Marsh. Gent. to be Cornet, by pureliase. vice Me Kay. who retires. 24 Regt. Drags.-Cornet B. W. Ramsay to he Lieut. by purchase. vice Milbank. who retires; Sir G. F. Hampton, Bart. lobe Cornet. by purchase, vice Ramsay. 611i Regt. Dmga -Comet H. B. Leigh to be Lieut. by purchase, vice King, who retires. 12th Regt. Light Drags.- Lieut. J. B. Maunsell. from the 34th Foot. to be Lieut. vice St. Gesrge. who exchanges. 15th Regt. Light Drags.-Capt J. W. Baird, from the 70th Foot. to be Capt. vice Higgins, who ex- changes. 10th Regt. Foot-Lieut C. D. Patterson, from the 89th Foul, tube Lieut. vice Gaussen, who exchanges. 30th Foot-Brevet-Major J. Proctor to be Major Without purchase. vice J. Tongue, who retires upon full pay; Lieut. C. H. Marechaux to be Capt. vice Proctor; Ensign L. G. F. Broome to be Lieut. vice Marechaue; En- sign C. E. Butler, from the 13th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Broome. 31st Foot-Lieut. W. B. Money, from the 31th Foot. to be Lieut. vice Greenwood. who exchanges. 334 Foot-Ensign W. Pretymau to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Neil. who retires ; W. M. Pechell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, race Pretyman. 34th Foot-Lieut. H. J. St. George, from the 12th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vire Mauusell, who exchanges ; Lieut. J. Greenwood. from the list Font, to be Lieut. vice Money. who ecxhanges. 41st Foot -E. R. Wethered, Gent, to be Ensigu, by purchaseavice Young, appointed to the 98th Foot. 430 Foot - Capt. A. Gammen, from half-pay unattached. tube Capt. vice D. G. Freer, who exchanges; Lieut. H. Skipwith to be Capt. by purchase. vice Gammen, who retires; Ensign 11. A. Sandford to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Skipwith; Gent. Cadet G. Colville. from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Sandford. 70th Foot-Capt. Hugh Brabaxon Higgins, front the 15th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice Baird, who exchanges. 734 Foot-Lieutenant Francis Charles Skurry. from the 84th Foot. to be Lieutenant, vice Bamford. who exchanges. 84th Feat-Lieut. R. C. Bamford, from 734 Foot, to be Lieut. vice Skurry, who ex- changes. 85th Foot-Brevet-Major M. Power, to be Major. by purchase. vice Hunt. promoted; Lieut. A. G. Grant to be Capt. by purchase, vice Power; Ensign T. C. M. Lethbridge to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Grant; C. W. W. Lord Langford tobe Ensign. by purchase, vice Lethbridge. 86th Foot-Lieut. J. H. Powell. from half-pay 7fh Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Phipps, appointed to the 37th Foot; Ensign C. 0. Creagh to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Powell, who retires ; J. J. Matthew. Gent, to be &edge, by purchase, vice Creagh. 89th Foot-Lieut. W. A. Gausseu. from the 10th Foot, lobe Lieut. vice Patterson. who exchanges. 98th Foot-Ensign R. Young, from the 41st Foot. lobe Ensign, vice Allgood. whose appointment has been cancelled.

Rifle Brigade-Capt. J. A. Henderson to be Major, by purchase, vice Warren. who retires; Lieut A. H. Hereford tube Capt. by purchase, vice Henderson; Second Lieut. H. Hardinge lobe Lieut, by purchase, vice Hereford; A. Webster. Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Hardinge. Caattached-Major W. T. Hunt. from the 85th Foot. to be Lieut..Col. by purchase, vice Lieut.-Gen. W. A. Johnson, a ho retina ; Lieut. W. F. Harvey, from the 17th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Staff-Major E. C. Archer, half-pay unattached, to be Deputy-Qoartermaster-Ge- neral in the Leeward and Windward Island, (withShe rank of in the Army). vice Tyler, deceased. Brevet-Capt. A. Gammen. of the 430 Foot, to be Major in the Army. The uuder- mentioned Cadets of the Hon. East India Company'. Service to have the local mad temporary mutt or Ensign during the period of their being placed under the command of Lieut.-Col. Sir F. Smith, of the Royal Engineers. at Chatham. for field instructions in the art of sapping and mining: W. Chapman, Gent.; C. J. Hodgson, Gent.; W. R. Dickinson, Gent.

Germs or Ontnessor, Aug. 2.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Brevet. Major E. Matson to be Brigade-Major of the Corps, vice Ellicombe, removed as a General Officer,