6 AUGUST 1910, Page 26

READABLE NOVELS.—.A Sealed Verdict. By Lawrence L. Lynch. (John Long.

6s.)—An American story of a celebrated actress who is killed by falling out of a window. The question whether her death was caused by murder or suicide occupies the whole volume, and is not solved till the end of the book.—Rebecca Drew. By Edith Dart. (Mills and Boon. 6s.)—Rebecca Drew is the virtual mistress of a farmhouse where a stranger appears on a stormy night. The man, who subsequently marries her, is a charming but untrustworthy person, and nothing short of his death can give his wife back her ideals. —The Adventures of a Runaway Bride. By Isabel Smith. (John Ouseley. 6s.)—The story of a girl who, marrying to escape the inconveniences of the only home she has to live in, finds that she has fallen out of the frying-pan into the fire. "Adventures " is not too strong a word for the series of events which follow.