6 AUGUST 1937, Page 23


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Can you explain in what way the Cambridge scientists who have proved that the Government's air-raid precautions are largely useless and largely impracticable deserve a rebuke ? What possible purpose can be served by pretending that the people of this country can be protected against air attack by methods which in fact will not protect them ? If there is a risk of air attack on this country which needs precautions to be taken, why should we not have effective precautions rather than ineffective ones ?

The Government's air - raid precautions are useless. Sir Archibald Sine:lair's paternal rebukes will not save a single life, nor help in the smallest degree in the solution of a universally difficult technical problem, which the Government has wholly shirked.—I am, yours faithfully, King's College, Cambridge. A. G. D. WATSON.