6 AUGUST 1965, Page 12

SIR,—Quoodle, we know, thinks that man is noseless; but surely

on this occasion it is Quoodle who is shown to be deficient. The reason why so many of the best restaurateurs object to pipe-smokers is that the smell is offensive to other diners—not only offensive, but strong enough to destroy their enjoy- ment of the food. We are non-smokers, who can enjoy the smell of cigars, and will put up with the smell of cigarettes. But pipes—pipes with their reek- ing residue of stale saliva and nicotine—are in a different category. Pipes are foul, and anyone with half a nose will tell Quoodle so.

It's Quoodle who' is noseless, Who's lost his sense of smell; Non-smokers, they've got noses, The most perceptive noses, And goodness only knowses They like their food as well.

Cedarwood, Camilla Drive, West humble, Dorking, Surrey