6 DECEMBER 1834, Page 10

The Fluke of WELLINGTON has received two valuable adhesions to

his party this week. He must have felt sonic apprehension that neither Lord MA RY- BGROUGH, Lord COWLEY, Lord ELLENBOROUGH, nor yet Lord LY2411/IU RSV, would be accepted by the tight-laced Churchmen of the KENYON and NEW- CASTLE stamp, as guarantees for the religion and morals of his new Chbinet. Great, therefore, must have been his satisfaction to receive the visits of the Earl of Corentry and Mr. Henry hunt; both of whom, as the Court Cir- cular takes care to inform the public, have had interviews with his Grace within a few days. Lord COVENTRY, too, has been with the King. if Mr. HUNT has been honoured in the same manner, his visit has been kept as great a secret as that of Lord SPENCER to Fsrighton, which we mentioned last week. However this may be, it seems unquestionable that both Mr. HUNT and Lord COVENTRY have linked their fortunes with the Dictator. The Country has at length some rational ground for confidence in the intentions of the embryo Cabinet.