6 DECEMBER 1851, Page 18


Wan-omen Dec. 5.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. A. J. H. Elliot to-be Adjt. vice Bobbins, who resigns tbe Adjutancy only. 7th Drag. Guards--Cornet.J.J. Nunn to be Lieut. by par. vice W. S. Wood, who retires; Lieut. T. E. Dowhiggse to be Adjt. vice Middleton, who resigns the thejutancr only. Grenadier Befit, of Guards-Lieut. and Capt. G. W.A. Iligginson to be Adjt,vicc his Serene Highness Prince William Augustus Edward oftaxe-Weimar, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 24 Foot-F. S. Steele, Gent. to be Ensign without purchase, vice Lord C. E. Hay, promoted. 3d Foot-J. B. Dennis, Gent. to be Ensign without purchase, vide Ram- edge, promoted. 4th Foot-Lieut. T. Martin, from 18th Foot,. to-be Capt. withoet purchase, vice De Robeck, dismissed by-the sentence of -8 Genera/ Court-martial; Lieutenant Montague Hamilton Dowhiggin, from 7th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice 1tamsbottom, dismissed by the sentence of a General Court-martial; Ensign P. Robertson, from the Cape Mounted Rinemen, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Coryton, dismissed by the sentence of a General Court-martial. 5th Foot- Second Lieut. W. H. P. Mears to be First Limit- by purchase, vice Kuapp, who retires; Ensign G. II. J. M. Chapman, from 6th Foot, to be Second Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Mears; Lieut. F. B. Forster„from 64th Foot, to be-Paymaster, vice Pot- ter, who retires on half-pay, 71h Foot-Ensign S. Re Courcy O'Grady, from 64th Foot, to be Limit. without purchase, vice Dowbiggin, appoipted to 41st Foot, 18th Foot-Ensign F. H. Suckling to be Lieut. without purchase, Vice Martin, promoted in the 4th Foot ; Ensign T. Esmonde, from 77th Faint, to be Ensign, vice Canavan, promoted; Gent. Cadet C. H. Pocklington, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be F.nsign, without purchase, vice Suckling. 26th Foot-Ensign W. Mosse to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Thomas, who retires. 47th Foot-Ensign J. A. Lowry to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pesceval, who retires. 49th Foot-Lieut. Cadwallader Adams to.be Cant by purchase, vice Biggs, who retires ; Ensign A. S. Armstrong to be Licpt. by purchase, vice Adarns. .51st Foot-Ensign R. C. Clever to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Nunn, who retiree. 54th Foot-:-Ensign C. A. Thomson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Cave, promoted ; A. R. Ord, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Thomson, promoted. 64th Foot-Ensign F. J. Hutchison to be Licut, with- out purchase, vice O'Grady, whose promotion, Without purchase, on 9th May, has been cancelled ; Lieut. 8. De Courcy O'Grady, from. 7th Foot, to be. Lieut. vice Hutchison, whose promotion, b1 purchase; on 6th June,. bas been cancelled ; Lieut T. E. Lambert, from half-pay 74th Foot, to be Limit. vice F. B. Forster, appointed Paymaster 5th Foot ; Assist.-Surg. R. T. Buckle, M.O. from the Staff, to be AO- Siat.-Surg. vice Short, dec. 76th Foot-Gent. Cadet E, W. ('._Acton, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Colthurst, appointed to 83c1 Foot. 77th Foot-Gent,-Cadet W. J. Cardep, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, vice Esmonde, appointed to the 18th Foot. 80th Foot-Ensign W. Paterson to be Lieut. without purchase, Vice Hickson, dec.; cent. Cadet R, Poore, from the Royal Mil. COIL to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Paterson. Bad Foot-Ensign F. H. D. Marsh to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ifainwaiing, appointed Adjt. ; EnsiKe J. N. Colthurst, from the 76th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Marsh;- Lieut. E. M, 31ainwaring to be Mit. vice Hall. dec. 59th Foot-Brevet-Liettr.-Col. R. Vande- leur, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice. iirevet Lteut.-Col. R. Lewis, who es- changes ; Brevet Major C. R. Egerton to be Major, by purchase, vice Vandeleig. who retires; Limit B. Ft. Moore to be Capt. by purchase, vice Egerton; Lieut. H- R. White to be Capt. by purchase, vice Cana, who retires ; Ensign A. Nixon tabs Lieut. by purchase, vice hloore; Eosin' C. Heycock, to be Lieut. by purchase, vise White; J. Long,field, Gent. to be Eosin by purchase, vice Nixon; Gent. Cadet F. Knatchbull, from the Royal Mil. Colt to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Delcock. 95th Foot-Ensign A, J. J. Macdonald to be Lieut., withoutpurchase, vice DoWdall. promoted; Gent. Cadet G. Clerk, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign:- wItipet purchase, vice Macdonald. 2d. West Lida Regt.-Licut. S. riargar to be Capt. without TifnkiiiesTifelit deceased.

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gd West India- Regt.—Ensigtall.J. Rainsford to be Limit. without purchase, vice Rudy, deceased ; Ensign 11 G. Palmer to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Rains- ford, whose promotion, without purchase, on 31st Oat, has been cancelled; F. T. theatres, Gent, to be Ensign without purchase,, vice Palmer, promoted.

Horpital Staff—Acting Assist-Sung. S. Moore to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Buckle, appointed to the 64th Foot.

ADM:SALTY, Nov. 28.—Corps of Royal Marines—Lieut.-Col. T. Wearing to be Col Second Commandant, vice Whylock, who retires on full-pay ; Brevet Major F. Gra- ham to be Lieut.-Col. rite Wearing, promoted ; First Lieut. and AdjLt. W. Adair to be Capt. vice Graham, promoted; Second LieuL E. G. Stokes to be First Lieut. vice Adair, promoted; First Lieut. T. V. Cooke to be Adjt. vice Adair promoted to Capt.