6 DECEMBER 1856, Page 1

By way of New York we have the text of

one of the conven- tions concluded between the Plenipotentiaries of Honduras and our Foreign Secretary when the Central American question was settled. The present convention is interesting as involving the ultimate extinction of our old protectorate over the Mos- quito Indians. Honduras undertakes to respect British pro- perty obtained from the Mosquito Indians, or situatein the Bay Islands. It stipulates a method of arbitrating the doubtful claims by a joint commission ; it settles the boundary between the republic of Honduras and the territory of the Indians, and compensates them with an annuity for the disputed portion of that territory between the Segovia and Roman rivers, the sove- reignty over the territory to reside in the republic of Honduras. Thus the territory of the Indians is restricted, and the territorial title of Honduras is regarded as sovereign.