6 DECEMBER 1890, Page 19

The doubts as to Professor Koch's cure for consumption continue,

M. Pasteur, in particular, pointing out that no cure has yet been effected, and that the lymph is really a " toxic," or poison, of terrible energy and unknown effects. It will do something; but what, is still unascertained. Sir J. Lister, who has been studying it in Berlin, has been far more attracted by two other discoveries with which Professor Koch is still making experiments. The great English surgeon, the author of the antiseptic method, is, indeed, reported to have said publicly that he thought Dr. Koch had really discovered two simple preparations, quite easy to procure, which would not only cure but prevent two severe and common forms of in- fectious disease. Dr. Koch, who has been rather badly treated about his lymph, as he himself desired to delay any public mention of it, will say nothing about his later discoveries for a few weeks ; but he has revealed them to Sir J. Lister under pledges of secrecy for the present.