6 DECEMBER 1919, Page 1

Herr Kautsky, the well-known German Socialist, has found in the

archives of the Berlin Foreign Office conclusive proofs of the ex-Kaiser's direct responsibility for the war. The extracts from Herr Kautsky's Report, printed in the Times of Saturday last, show that on June 30th, 1914, two days after the Arch- duke's murder, the Kaiser was much annoyed with his Ambas- sador at Vienna for advising caution. " A clearance must be made of the Serbs, and that soon !" On July 5th, 1914, the Kaiser told the Austrian Ambassador that " any action against Serbia ought to be taken without delay," and that he would support Austria against Russia, who " would certainly be hos- tile." Though a " Crown Council " was not held that day, the Kaiser conferred with his Ministers. Early on the following day, July 6th, the Kaiser met the military and naval chiefs in the park at Potsdam. " It was resolved with a view to all eventualities to take preparatory measures for a war. Orders in this sense were accordingly issued." During the rest of the month, while the German Chancellor was ingeminating peace to the Powers, the Kaiser was inciting the somewhat reluctant Austrians to make war inevitable.