6 DECEMBER 1930, Page 48

Minoans, Philistines and Greeks, by- Mr. A. C. Burn, is

the latest volume in the admirable " History of Civilization " series published by Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner (15s.). Mr. Burn's thesis (an ominous but not unjust word in this connexion) is the fortune of the Aegean peoples from the end of the fifteenth to the end of the tenth century before Christ ; the times of Akhenaton, Rameses H and III, Horemheb, Saul, Jonathan and David, Minos, Jason, Aga- memnon, Helen of Troy. . . . Perhaps the canvas is too large for any human pen. Certainly Mr. Burn has not filled it to the general reader's complete satisfaction, yet it is obvious that his labour and research have not been wasted, and that his book will be of value to archaeologists and other
