6 DECEMBER 1957, Page 41


ACROSS Disclosure of plans for feathering the nest? (8)

Smilingly announced intention to be a doctor (6).

9 Fairy, goodbye! as they say in Middlesex (8). 10 She preceded art in the affections of Landor (6). 12 He could not be called Victor (5).

13 Tan undies—for wear in the water? (9) 14 The Vicar's perpetual problem? (4, 2, 6) 18 Falter unduly, no wonder when trying to deceive (12), 21 Shake a tonic with a lot of noise for countrymen abroad (9). 23 He has some pull, being of a lofty nature (5). 24 She amounts to nothing when it's over (6). 28 Her plans are all scattered in pieces by the General (8). 26 Whispered expressively, but with rather a pre- tentious air, it seems (6). 27 Percy Dacier's bride had a meal, rough treat (8).

DOWN I Have ameal, then work steadily; it will satisfy (6).

2 Where, we hear, a bull's to be found in action (6). .

3 'There's milestones on the —!' (Dickens) (5, 4) 4 Was Aristotle its first practical exponent? (6-6) 6 The poor beast's very ill-laden (5).

7 'Set a huge — 'tween my heart and tongue' (Shakespeare) (8).

8 Tuition in deportment in fashion time (8).

11 One of the awkward squad in skirmishes about five o'clock? (6-6)

15 Ideal state for an invalid, oddly enough (3, 2, 4).

16 Pretexts for Scotsmen when the pistol's fired (3-5).

17 The grand council is thrown into confusion over mixed gin; car wanted! (8) 19 Make way in Georgia for a girl (6).

20 The Iron Curtain? (6) 22 Mr. Rochester's ward (5).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on December 17 and addressed: Crossword No. 969, 99 Cower St.. London, WC1'.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended fur Crosswords.

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(4' ' Solution on December 20 Solution to No. 967 on page 815 The winners of Crossword No. 967 are: Mit. W. S. Dux( y, 337 Soriugh Id Road, Chelmsford, Essex, and MRS VI: BOILLMJ, Stoke Aubott, Beaminstcr, Dorset.